Quick Thinking

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AN- Here are the chapters I owe you!!  Plus some extra!! Enjoy!

Strong Language is used in this chapter. You have been warned.

P.S.- The photo is Sean's living room. Just add a little more purple and a bigger coffee table instead of the coffee table it already has.

 Just add a little more purple and a bigger coffee table instead of the coffee table it already has

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Sean POV

As I walk into my living room I am greeted by the most beautiful sight in all of my 19 years. I stop mid stride to admire the lovely view. Sang is bent over the table. She is humming and swaying slightly to whatever tune is stuck in her head. I reach into my pocket to grab my phone just as someone clears their throat right behind me. Sang jumps and turns so fast I almost don't see her feet move. However, when she brings her hands up as if blocking a blow, my chest tightens in anger and sadness. How anyone could harm this sweet, beautiful girl is beyond me. Sang slowly lowers her arms as she realizes no blow is coming. I give her my most charming smile and see her eyes light up. I will smile at her every day, all day, if it will keep the shadows out of her eyes.

"I have to tell you Pookie...you have very good rhythm," I wiggle my eyebrows at her and I am rewarded with a lovely blush.

"Sean!", Owen reprimands," That was out of line!"

"But Owen, you have to agree that it's true. You saw her as well."

"That isn't the point Sean. It was very inappropriate to say as such."

I roll my eyes. "You're just annoyed that you didn't say something first and get rewarded with a beautiful blush."

"That is ridiculous Sean. I would never stoop to your level."

I am interrupted from replying by a gruff voice, " If you're fucking finished, breakfast is ready." North growls from the door way. Owen shoots him a scathing look and opens his mouth to rebuke him for the foul language, when the most bewitching sound comes from further in the living room. I turn to see Sang leaning forward holding her stomach as tears run down her face. If I didn't hear the laughs that were spilling out of her gorgeous lips, I would think she was in pain. Me and my brothers must have been quite for to long, because Sang abruptly stops mid-laugh and starts looking between our faces. Seeing the dazed look on our faces, causes another blush to creep up her face. Owen is the first to snap out of it.

"Ms. Sorenson again with the unnesscary encouragement." His lips twitch as if he is holding back a smile. Sang gives him a bright smile accompanied with a beautiful blush. I glance at Owen, you wouldn't stoop to my level,huh? He merely does that sorry excuse of a smile -that in my opinion makes him look constipated- saying nothing.

"Well Ms. Sang, doctor's orders. You need a full well balanced meal and knowing North it will be. So, we should sit down and eat." I give her my most serious expression, but wink at the end. She giggles in reply. My eyes widen," No Pookie. No giggles. You'll start then North will. And next will be Owen. We can't have a serious case of the giggles going around. Don't make me give you the giggle cure." Keep the giggles going Pookie, I think with a hopeful look. But sadly, she stops. I sigh.

"C'mon Sang Baby. Let's eat." North walks aound Owen and I with the hot skillet or pan-thing held carefully out of reach. Sang is about to sit down on the couch, when she abruptly stands up again. I glance at Owen wondering why she didn't sit down. He looked around.

"Ms. Sorenson, what did you want to drink?" He stares at her in a way that says to not even attempt to wiggle your way out of answering the question honestly. I almost felt bad for her. Then I remebered she probably would have dismissed her needing anything and I wanted to cheer Owen on for his brilliance. 

Sang blushed again, " What is there to drink?"

" I've got water or milk Pookie. What's your fancy?"

"I'll take a water. Thak you Sean."

"You're welcome Pookie." I glance at North telling that as soon as he is done serving to come help me. Then I glance at Owen to say quick thinking.

I walk into the kitchen and look for the glasses. I spend so little time in this apartment, let alone in the kitchen. After finding them, I grab four and bring them down to get water for everyone. I know Owen and North will want water as well. Just as I am finishing, North walks in with the empty skillet or pan or whatever its called. It's not like the boys would ever let me use the thing, no matter how many times I've tried. " So North, What do you think of Sang?"


****Hides behind a barricaded wall****

AN- Before You kill me...hear me out. As an apology I am giving you a surprise. Just keep reading.......And slowly lower your weapons.

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