Chapter 13 School

Start from the beginning

Then I lay on my bed and staring at the ceiling. Tomorrow is the day. I get back up and change into a pair of shorts and a tank top and get under the covers. I put my music on and make sure my alarm is set before falling asleep.




'Am I more than you bargained for yet, oh I've been dying to tell you anything you want to hear cause that's ju-' I press dismiss on my alarm. It's 5 am. I walk into the bathroom and turn on the shower. I get in, wash my body and hair, and get out. I blow dry my hair, straightening it a bit, it still has some waves in it. Then I get dressed. Ding. My phone goes off. I pick it up and turn it on. 1 New Message From Unknown. I open it. 'Look on your window sill.'

I walk to my window, a little silver box is sitting there. I look outside, no one, but I know how he got up. There's a tree right by the window. I open the box, a silver heart locket is inside. Ding. 'Put it on. Wear it, always.' I close my window and open it, inside is a picture of him. I put it on along with my earrings. I look at myself in the mirror. I look good.

I walk downstairs and into the kitchen. Most of the FBI Agents had left last night. There are still a few camping in the living room. I grab a poptart from the cabinet and the car keys. I walk to Agent Riley's room and knock. He comes to the door, fully dressed in regular clothes. He is driving me today, just to be safe.

We walk out and I get in the passenger's seat handing him the keys. He drives me to school, I'm early so there aren't many people here. I thank him and get out.

"Have a good day and be safe, I'll be here to pick you up at 3." He smiles.

"You have a good day too, see you later."

I walk up to the school and walk in. Lincoln High School. My new school. I look around. It's a pretty normal high school. I walk to the counseling office to get my locker info and my class schedule.

I walk in and a woman with a warm smile welcomes me. "Hello. You must be our new student Ivy Riley, it's nice to finally meet you." They don't know that he found me so we are sticking with the fake names. She hands me my papers and a map of the school. "If you need any help just come back here!"

I smile. "Thank you!" I walk out and look at my first hour. English with Mrs. Ana. Perfect, my favorite class first thing. It seems to be upstairs and so is my locker, I find a set of stairs and walk up. I find my locker pretty quickly and put my bookbag inside it grabbing only what I need. I look around and eventually find my way to the class. I'm still pretty early so I walk in.

Mrs. Aria is a pretty woman who looks to be in her late 20s. She has dark brown hair and blue eyes. She smiles at me. "Welcome, you must be Ivy! You can sit anywhere you want. We don't have assigned seats."

I decide to sit in the back, so I won't call much attention to myself. I open my brand new notebook and grab a fresh pencil from my purse and start sketching. By the time the bell rings I have a pretty good sketch of a girl sitting on a swing, her hair covering her face.

"That looks amazing." A voice says from beside me. I look up startled. A guy around my age smiles at me. "Hey I'm Max Green. Nice to meet you." He holds out his hand and I take it.

"Nice to meet you I'm Ch-Ivy Riley." I smile at him and turn back to my drawing. I erase a few lines and fix a few places, finally it's finished. I close my notebook when the teacher starts to talk. She hands me a book, the one they're reading, 'Life of Pi' by Yan Martel. They just recently started it so it won't take long to catch up. I spend the class period reading.

The bell rings and it's off to second period, French 2. I go back to my locker and get what I need for the next 3 classes. I make my way to French class with Mr. Moreau. I walk in and go to his desk. 'Mr. Moreau?" He looks up and smiles.

"Bonjour vous devez être Ivy, agréable de vous rencontrer. Vous pouvez prendre un siège n'importe où."* He says in perfect french and I turn looking over the seats kids were coming in and just sitting wherever so I find a spot in the back again and sit.

French class passes by quickly as does, Calculus and History. Finally it's lunch. After lunch I have AP Chemistry, Art, and finally Photography. Then I can go home.

I walk to the lunch room and get my food, deciding to eat outside. It's a beautiful day out and I sit at a table on the grounds and eat. When I'm done I throw my trash away and sit in the sun my eyes closed. I feel someone sit beside me and voice speak up. "Hello."

I open my eyes. Sitting beside me is a girl, about my age, with lavender hair and blue eyes, with freckles. "Hello." She repeats. "My name is Maria, whats yours?"

"Ivy. Nice to meet you." I smile and we chat for the rest of lunch.

Hey guys! Guess what? Another update! Hope you guys liked Charlotte's first day at school! I will update again tomorrow. Tell me what you think, I love feedback! See you guys in the next chapter!

*"Hello you must be Sofia, nice to meet you. You can take a seat anywhere." This is what Mr. Moreau said to Sofia

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