A Exhibition And A Jealous Vibe

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"No, your hands are just really cold..." I mumble while still kissing him softly. He chuckles, letting me down back on my feet.

"How can so much passion fit into such a small body?" He jokes while we walk back my car.

"Are you saying I'm short?" I ask, threatening him with the gallery's keys. He holds his hands up, trying to stiffle a grin.

"You are only 5'3"..." He says, but I just roll my eyes at him. He hops into the passenger side signalling that it's my turn to drive.

"It's not my fault your dutch genes makes you tall and incredibly handsome!" I rant while closing my door and starting the engine.

"My british genes just gives me good taste in tea," I argue and he narrows his eyes.

"You don't even like tea all that much!" He tries, but I cut him off.

"But I'm not normal, never use me as a good example," I shrug.

Max just smiles to himself while connecting his phone to my aux cable. We don't exactly share the same taste in music and when he really wants to irritate me, he plays his dutch songs.

Today was one of those days.

The song starts really cool, but I legitimately have no idea what they are saying. I try to follow it, but Max's weird dance moves distract me, and I burst out of laughter.

"I don't know what's worse, listening to this song, or seeing you dance like that," I chuckle, trying to stay focused on the road.

"Don't hate the player, hate the game!" Max yells out playfully, slowly putting on his sunglasses.

"You're crazy, you know that?" I sigh at him just as we arrive at our apartment block.

"Yes, I am crazy. Absolutely crazy about you..." He says before opening his door and getting out. I follow suit, taking his hand in mine while we head up to our apartment. Just as the elevator door slides open, my phone starts buzzing, the screen lighted up with Daniel's face.

"Daniel! How's our favourite aussie?" I ask with a sweet voice, following Max inside.

"Hey Ally-o, just letting you know I'm stopping by in half an hour, I'm lonely..." His thick accent bellows from the phone speaker, causing me to laugh.

"We don't have beer, so you should bring. See you soon!" I greet him before sitting down with Max. He's playing with Picasso, so I decide to give Senna some attention.

"Is Dan coming over?" Max asks without looking up, and I nod.

"We should get him a girlfriend. Or at least laid," I chuckle, but Max looks quite serious.

"He's not like that. The split with Jemma broke his heart, she was his everything. He's still trying to recover from that..." Max says quietly, causing me to bite my tongue.

"I'm sorry, I know Dan's not like that. He's my best friend, I just want to see him happy," I try to explain, despite feeling stupid. I know he's a great guy, I just want him to be with someone equally great.

"So I don't need to worry about the two of you?" Max asks me with a hint of jealousy in his voice, even though his face was neutral.

"Daniel and I?" I ask loudly, almost choking. Max only nods.

"Never, Daniel and I are strictly friends." I say, trying to cover up my blush.

"Can't we strictly be best friends?" I hear his deep voice from the door and I spin around. There he was standing in the door, a case of beer in his hands. His gaze travels from me to Max, and back at me.

"Am I interrupting...?" He asks awkwardly, stepping back to the door.

"No, Max was just telling me a joke, weren't you Max?" I try to save the situation, but Max stays silent, a smug smile all over his face. I quickly grab the beer from Dan, packing them into our fridge.

Daniel joins Max on the couch, and within seconds they decide to play some video games.

"So now I've have to top-athletes in my house, with strict diets. What do you guys want tonight? Pasta? A salad-ish something?" I ask them, but they don't reply.

"Hoi! Max!" I yell across the room, causing Max to snap out of his concentration.

"Ja mijn Schat?" He asks in dutch, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Chicken salad or a pasta?" I ask again, this time grabbing Dan's attention as well.

"Did someone say pasta?!" Dan exclaims, grinning from ear to ear.

"One vote pasta. Max?" I ask as he strolls to me behind the kitchen counter. He stands behind me, wrapping his strong arms around my waist.

"Pasta would be lovely, babe," he smiles seductively.

"Okay then, pasta it is. Now please leave my kitchen so I can focus on cooking!" I smile jokingly at him. He loosens history grip on me, and smacks me on the ass before walking back to Daniel.

"That's my girl." He winks at me before sitting down, causing me to smile like an idiot.


A.N: Credit for the artworks going to the original artists, they're gorgeous!!

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