Chapter 11

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Emma's POV

After finding out that Mackenzie is considered a missing person Killian and I had a choice to make. We could send her back or we can keep her with us.

"Okay she's asleep." I say.

"You guys have to think of something. The child is a missing person." Regina says.

"Yes we know that. What are we gonna do about it?" I ask.

"We have to send her back love." Killian says.

"Are you insane? She is really upset about this. She said she came came from a bad place and you want to send her back there?" I question.

"Emma, I dont want to send her away either, but if we keep her here we could get into trouble." He says.

"Not really. She was the one that ran away she wasnt kidnapped. We have to think about whats best for her." I say.

"Yeah I guess so." He says.

The next day since Killian still wasnt really on board with having Mackenzie around since we found out she was missing. So I decided to be the one to talk to Makenzie about this situation we have found ourselves in.

"Hey Makenzie we need to talk." I say.

"Emma, I know this is hard, but you cant send me back there. Please dont." She says.

"Why did you run away?" I ask.

"Because its hell there. Just dont make me go back. I cant go back there." She says.

"Dont worry. Look Killian and I need to talk about this, but I promise we wont send you back." I say to her.

"Thank you Emma." She says.

After talking with her and seeing how afraid she was I had to talk go Killian again about letting her stay. I went over to Killian's house and knocked on his door.

"Swan. Hey come on in." He says.

"Thanks." I say.

"Did you talk to her?" He asks.

"Yes I did. We have to let her stay. Yo can tell that she is scared to go back there. We have to keep her safe from whatever is at that home that scares her." I say to him.

He just looked at me and then looked out the window and then back at me.

"Yeah okay. If this is whats right then yeah I will do whatever it takes to make sure she doesnt go back to that bad place." He says.

"Thats all I ask." I say.

I gave him and hug and it just felt so right to be in his arms. I let go of him and walked out. No Emma you have Neal. Killian is just a friend. You love Neal... Killian.. oh crap.

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