Chapter Nine

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I woke up with the space beside me empty. I sighed audibly, and began sitting up. My throat formed a groaning noise from the now noticeable pain in my hips. But with last nights memories, it was completely worth it.

I smacked myself on the head. I can't be thinking this way. He is a criminal and my target, nothing more.

With another groan, I stood from the creaking bed. The cold air hit my naked state like a wave, and I almost squealed. Rushing around Eren's room, I looked for spare clothing, and I was happily surprised to find an outfit from my room folded neatly on top a desk. Silently thanking him, I hurriedly dressed myself.

Warmer than I was before, I strolled out of Eren's room and walked down the halls to find something to eat.

Jean, Marco, Armin, and a few others sat at a table. Armin practically bounced out of his seat once his gaze wandered to me.

"Levi!" he squealed like an excited girl. I waved uncertainly as he bounded towards me and clung onto my arm. I gave him a confused look caused by his odd behavior.

"So....," he trailed off as if I knew what he was asking. "So?" I questioned, waiting for him to continue. "How was it?" he finished.

"Yeah, how was it, Levi?" Jean shouted, which received a smack from Marco. My face boiled red as the realisation hit me. "Do I have to talk about it? Isn't that sort of thing personal?" I questioned with an innocent act.

"If you don't want to answer, fine. We all heard you anyway," Jean replied earning himself another slap. "Was I that loud?" I asked. Everyone stayed silent.

"Ignore them, Jean and Marco used to be the only thing any of us could hear at night," Armin stated. Jean and Marco gave him betrayed looks with blushing cheeks. I chuckled.

Armin took me to the table to sit. "This is Bertholdt," he gestured to a tall skinny man with black hair. "And Connie."

Connie possessed a buzz cut and hazel eyes. He sat with his head on the table in a seemingly moping manner. "Are you alright?" I asked.

"Don't worry about him, he's just whining because Sasha left," Armin replied. Connie gave a vague smile. "I don't get to see her very often since she's a part of the Forty Elephants," he pouted. "Did they leave?" I asked. Armin nodded. "Eren left with them," he said as if he knew I was wondering where he was.

"Are Mikasa and him close?" I inquired. Armin chuckled. "Do I smell jealousy?"

"No, she just doesn't seem to like me," I defended. "She hates all newcomers. She hated me at first," Jean assured. "She hated you because you were an asshole," Armin countered. Jean shouted in protest before Marco agreed with Armin's statement, and he softened the blow with a kiss to Jean's cheek.

"They are very close. Eren met Mikasa when he was fourteen, and they instantly became best friends. They hated lower class customs and started gangs to escape the system," Marco explained. I nodded in understanding.

"Is there anything you want to know about Eren? We can answer any questions you have," Marco suggested.

Perfect opportunity.

"I don't know much about him," I shrugged.

Suddenly, Jean's foot was propped on the table as he stood on his chair. "Eren Jaegar, born twenty nine years ago in Birmingham, England."

"He was born in Liverpool, dumbass," Connie retorted.

I stared at Jean's muddy boot slammed against the table. "That's a health violation," I muttered. "This whole warehouse is a health violation," Armin snorted. "Jean, I think you're scaring him," Marco explained worriedly.

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