~Chapter 7~

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Grell stood at the doorway, wearing her full uniform instead of pajamas. While the instructor was speaking, not seeming to notice the redhead, Grell scanned the room before she swiftly rushed to the only open seat in the room. 

The one that just so happened to be right next to William.

As soon as Grell took a seat, she took a glance to the side and noticed William staring right back at her. The look on his face had shifted from its usual flat affect. He looked as if he were shocked to see her. 

"Just what is HE staring at?" Grell wondered. "If this man is so smart, shouldn't he know better than to stare at a lady!?" 

When they held eye contact for more than a second, William quickly shifted his attention back to his notebook. He took his pen and frantically scribbled notes on the paper.

Grell grabbed out her own notebook and writing tool, her fancy fountain pen, and tried to pay attention to the lecture.

But unfortunately, paying attention in class proved easier said than done. It reminded Grell of one of the reasons she began skipping classes in the first place. Even when she wrote down information the instructor went over, Grell realized that there were gaps of missing information that acted as a barrier that prevented her from fully understanding it. She already knew that she was behind. But it was much worse than she anticipated. 

If that weren't difficult enough, Grell kept finding her mind drifting away to everything else but the lecture. One second she would be trying to comprehend the concise bullet points on the presentation, and the next she would be eyeing another woman's backpack and admiring the adorable colors. No matter how hard she tried, maintaining her attention span to such dull subjects like this one proved to be a long, tiring battle. Grell eventually ended up just glancing at the clock more frequently than she should have, praying that class would be over soon.

Grell looked over at William, noticing that his demeanor screamed the complete opposite of what she was experiencing. He sat in his seat with his back straight up, his calm, collected eyes attentively looking at the instructor as he went on. He only briefly looked down to jot information down, his hand moving in a graceful, efficient fashion as his pen made a small scratching noise on his notebook paper. Knowing him, William definitely had no problem absorbing information, no matter how difficult or boring it was. Grell concluded that she will never understand how he could do that.

But the struggling redhead soon came to find that it wasn't just her studious roommate who didn't seem to have any trouble paying attention. All of the students around her were also fixating their attention on the presentation while taking notes. Well, not all of them. There were a couple who were asleep in class. But even then, Grell knew enough about them to know that they were extremely studious as well. They were merely exhausted from the late night study sessions after working part time jobs. Even if they missed some information now, they could easily catch up.

With a sigh of defeat, Grell lowered her head to her desk. As she buried her face in her arms, she silently scolded herself over and over for skipping classes all semester. 

A wave of relief washed over Grell when the end of lecture came, initiated by the instructor's announcement reminding everyone of the homework due the next day. The chatter around the classroom rose as everyone stood from their seats and took their leave. 

Grell was in the midst of packing up her notebook and pen when William made a comment directly at her. "I see you've decided to come to class today." When Grell responded with silence, William continued. 

"Do you think you'll be able to catch up in time for finals?" He asked her.

Wide-eyed, Grell turned her head towards William at the speed of light. "FINALS!?" Her voice was loud enough to capture the attention of the nearby students around them. 

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