~Chapter 6~

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A/N: Rewrite continues
A dull ache and fogginess clouded Grell's head upon awakening the next morning. But the pain in her head didn't strike her near as much as her heart did. When she immediately fell into her deep slumber when she returned to her dorm last night, she became haunted by dreams of Ronald as the night went on. It began and ended in the same fashion: She and Ronald entered the lively club dancing and having the time of their lives, only for Ronald to disappear. She would catch him making out with another woman, then Grell would re-experience the demise of their relationship.

It hadn't even been a day, yet Grell already knew that she no longer had romantic feelings towards Ronald after learning his true colors. Yet, sorrow consumed her. For all over these months, Ronald got involved with other women behind her back. She knew that he had flirted with them, kissed them, and everything beyond snogging. On top of that, he had lied to her.

Sitting at the edge of her bed, memories of that dream still played in her head like a film. She shuddered as she imagined the vivid details of Ronald's body making contact with other women. The queasiness that Grell already had amplified itself, making her shake her head to rid herself of those disturbing images. She would much rather be looking at a pile of mutilated corpses.

There was no doubt in Grell that she didn't love this man anymore. She didn't want him touching her in any way, even in a platonic manner. In fact, she was repulsed at the mere idea of being within a twenty-foot radius of him. Grimacing and staring down bitterly at the hard wooden floor, she silently cursed herself for being involved with a man like Ronald. She wished she didn't fall for his charm and being led into believing that he was honest when he was far from it.

She wished she had never met him.

"As if I want anything to do with that lying, backstabbing, womanizing, son-of-a-!"

"Well, I see that you're awake early," a voice commented, snapping Grell out of her thoughts. She looked up to see that it was William. He was still wearing his dark blue, button-up pajamas with matching pants. His hair was disheveled and his bright green eyes were looking at her sleepily, which indicated that he had probably just woken up no more than ten minutes ago.

When Grell didn't immediately say anything he asked, "Are you finally going to class today?"

Grell shook her head. "No, I'm afraid not."

"Hmm." Grell's decision to not go to class today, again, didn't surprise William in the slightest. "That's a shame," he said before turning to head to the bathroom.

"Ronald and I broke up yesterday," Grell stated gloomily.

"I see." William paused, searching for a proper response. "I'm sorry to hear that," he said aloofly, without an ounce of sympathy in his voice. He then turned to head to the bathroom once more.

"Of course you are..." Grell muttered bitterly when William shut the door behind him. She fixed her gaze to the floor again, not knowing why she had told him that. Her roommate would be the last person to actually care about this sort of thing.

Freshened up, dressed in his uniform, and ready for the day, Will stepped out of the bathroom. As he spent a few minutes making sure he had everything he needed, he couldn't help but notice that Grell remained sitting in the exact same position on her bed. She was staring down unhappily at the floor not saying a word. It isn't rocket science for him to know that she was upset over her breakup.

"You know," Will broke the silence. "There is really no logical reason for you to not go to class today."

Grell looked up at him, confused. "Huh?"

Uni Heartbreaker [Grelliam] PROCESS OF EDITING/REUPLOADINGWhere stories live. Discover now