~Chapter 2~

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"Get her off your lap then!" Grell demanded.

Ronald sucked in his teeth. "Sorry, no can do."

"Why not? You just said it yourself that you have a girlfriend."

"Exactly my point. Alyssa is my girlfriend now."

Grell's face shifted from anger to heartbreak. "But Ronald..." She felt her heart shatter. Her voice was now barely above a whisper. It was a miracle she could be heard above all the noise from the club. "What about us?"

"Us?" Ronald raised an eyebrow and laughed mockingly. "Honestly Grell, get a grip. Did you really think that just because we've been together for just a few months meant that were were destined to be together forever?" He laughed again and shook his head. "You really need to wake up, princess. Sometimes in life, sparks diminish when we meet someone new and that's exactly what's going on right now. As you can see, I've met Alyssa and just from looking at her, I can tell that I no longer love you, but her." He planted a soft kiss on his new partner's forehead.

"We had something special, Ronald... just how could you throw this all away so easily?" Grell squeezed hr eyes shut as she tried to stop shaking.

"Did you not hear what I just said?" Ronald sighed. "You really are stupid. See, unlike you, Alyssa here is smart and beautiful. And you? You're just a desperate woman willing to spread your legs for anyone and everyone."

"Ronald's right, you know," Alyssa purred. "So how about you step on out of here and enjoy the party while we enjoy ours, hmm?"

"Woah-oh-oh! So much sass, I love it!" Ronald laughed and began nibbling at her ear.

She giggled. "Oh daddy!"

Grell's face went back to being hard while mixed with grimace. She's given Ronald nicknames in the past but none of them were "daddy".

"Fine," Grell said. "I will." With that, she turned and was about to head back to get another drink when suddenly she had a better idea.

She turned back around to see that the duo were making out again. She narrowed her eyes and silently approached them. After a moment of staring, Grell raised her hand and threw a punch right at Ronald's jaw, knocking him on his side on the sofa, causing Alyssa to fall off to the floor.

"That's what you get, you bloody cheater!"

"Hey!" Alyssa exclaimed. Grell struck a punch at her too.

"And you too, skank!" Grell then turned around and walked away. She quickly bought herself the strongest drink there was on the menu before heading out. She'd forgotten that she had a car here, but it was Ronald's and she didn't have the keys. So she walked back to the academy.

By the time he got there, Grell had finished her drink and could barely walk straight. It was by pure luck she made it without being arrested for public drinking yet it was London. Lots of things happen in big cities.

Grell stumbled to her dorm, where she barged in through the door and collapsed on her bed face-forward. Completely shredded from tonight's events, Grell's lip quivered and soon she let out quiet sobs into her pillow. Hot tears streamed down her face the more she cried.

William just so happened to be up late studying when this happened. When he saw Grell collapsing on her bed, he rolled his eyes and took a sip of his energy drink. But the sound of Grell's crying caught his attention. He turned around and looked over at the redhead. This was... unusual. This wasn't the first time Grell came home with too much to drink but never has she come home crying. Normally she and Ronald would spend the night at his place or Grell would be here laughing herself silly. But no, here she was: Crying her heart out.

William took a deep breath and exhaled through his nose. He took a seat on the edge of Grell's bed and stared at her.

"You want to talk about it?" William offered. It felt strange. Normally he wouldn't bother with this sort of thing. Deep down, he knew he was simply doing this out of courtesy. But at the same time, William never brought himself to even do that. He had better things to do than involve himself in such petty drama.

In response, Grell shook her head and wailed more. William shushed him. The last thing he needed were complaints that could possibly get him in trouble. It wasn't something he could afford if he was going to make his way to the top. Just as he'd seen others comforting one another, William gently rubbed Grell's back in small circles, unsure if he was doing it right. It would appear so as Grell gradually calmed down.

"He left me for that whore..." Grell sobbed out.

"Who? Ronald?"

Grell nodded.

"Hmmm... well, it would make sense as clearly you two had been drinking."

"Are you trying to say that I'm drunk!?" Grell snapped, words slurring slightly. "Because I'm not! Even if I was, I'm not as drunk as you think I am!"

"Of course you're not..." William said with a sigh. He carefully removed Grell's shoes and neatly set them to the side before pulling a blanket over her. "But you need to rest. We need to wake up in a few hours. You really need to plan these events for the weekends."

He stood and padded over back to his own bed after putting away his study material.

"Why would he do that, Will...?" Grell sniffled.

"Because he's an idiot. And so are you. Now good night." William shut off the light and crawled into bed. He set his glasses on the side and closed his eyes. He heard Grell sniffling again and sighed. This was clearly going to take a while. There was no way he was going to get a decent night's sleep. Not like he normally did with his late night studies but still. He stayed awake and fortunately, Grell fell into a deep sleep, allowing peaceful silence to fill the room once again.

Even then, William couldn't sleep. He just knew that the next few days were going to be nothing but endless drama between Grell and Ronald which was going to interfere with his studies. He couldn't afford that. He just couldn't. Distraction was his enemy which was why he couldn't stand Grell.

But then William realized something. They were dead drunk tonight and by morning, all would be forgotten without a single trace from tonight's events. Even if they remembered, he would have no involvement in it.

He was very wrong indeed.

Uni Heartbreaker [Grelliam] PROCESS OF EDITING/REUPLOADINGWhere stories live. Discover now