Oneshot Contest Results

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1st place goes to hogwartschick for her brilliant oneshot, "In the Silence." It's slightly freestyle, and follows Rose's feelings after Scorpius and Lily get together. Heartbreaking and lovely writing.

2nd place goes to 123S4567 for her adorable oneshot, "Beautiful" (a James/Alice oneshot. Very sweet)

3rd place goes to RennFrost for her oneshot, "Only a Train Ride Away." It's a Scorpius/Rose one, as she's the only diehard Scorose shipper that follows my stories (thanks, girl, you're the best :) )

Honorable mentions to LilyLunaM for her short and sweet oneshot, "Now You're Mine," and to AlexRiptide for her Roxy/Lysander oneshot (it's super cute, and has some Fantastic Beasts references). 

Thanks so much to the five others who entered- your oneshots were really cute and I loved them!

Also, who has suggestions for what the next epilogue should cover?

Love you all, 


P.S. Winners (1st, 2nd, and 3rd place), contact me for your prizes!

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