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If you haven't seen the new book in my works, go look at it! It's an original novel called Memoirs of a Guardian and I'm SUPER excited about it! It hasn't got an official cover yet, but it will soon!

Here's the prologue for your benefit:

I, Paislee Waverlyn, am a horrible author, and only a slightly better historian. This is because I tend to insert my current thoughts, which generally have nothing to do with what I'm writing, into whatever I'm working on at the moment. This is slightly less jarring in memoirs, so you're lucky that that's what this is.

Yeah, right, you're probably scoffing. There's no way this book can be about real events. The cover was full of magic artsy stuff.

May I take one moment to point out that you should never judge a book by its cover?

Allow me to blow your mind. This is not a fantasy novel.

I repeat: this is not a fantasy novel.

It's a compilation of all my adventures in the world of the elves (which happens to exist right underneath your nose, you ignorant, misinformed mortal, but we'll move on from that detail for now).

Maybe misadventure would be a more accurate term to use when describing the things that have been happening to me since that long-ago day when I didn't know elves were real. I was twelve then, and not many good things have happened in the years that have passed since that day.

Anyways, back to the original, VERY IMPORTANT detail- this is not made-up. These events really did happen.

Most of you mortals, reading about how I ascended to the throne of a magical empire and overthrew the most wicked villain this world has ever known will think, "That's really cool!" Or you'll think, "I wish I could be like her."

Or, if you have any common sense, you'll think, "I am so glad I'm a mortal and don't have to worry about this. Her life stinks worse than a week-old haddock that's been wrapped in a burrito and then tossed onto a dung heap."

Unless you're an elf, and did have to worry about the war, in which case I highly recommend that you read my Elfian memoirs instead. This version has too many descriptions of things you'll already know about, and it's not even being published as a work of nonfiction. I had to convince a fifth cousin of mine, who's a mortal, to send the manuscript in to mortal publishers as a fantasy story, and now they think she wrote it.

Mortal readers, feel free to blow this off as a fairy tale. Feel free to think I'm a fictional character. The Encanti Union is furious at me for sending this out to you. They'll be thrilled to know that no one in your world believes me anyways.

Now read on.

Hope you enjoyed the excerpt, now PLEASE read the book!

Love you all, Lily

P.S. Deadline for contest is being moved to December 1st at the request of one of my fantastic readers. If you want to join, please do!!!!!

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