Chapter Seven: Letters between Scorpius, Al, Lily, and Rose

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  Dear Lilybug,

To be quite honest, I'm not writing because I have any huge overpowering desire to- but Al is writing to you right now, and Rose is writing to her git boyfriend from Beauxbatons (he's not really her boyfriend- SHE says he's just a pen pal, like I'm convinced by that rubbish) and Quidditch practise was yesterday. So I'm bored, frightfully bored. The Gryffindor Common Room should have a quiet study area, but it doesn't, and people are so loud I can't concentrate, and so there's nothing to do.

Not that I don't WANT to write to you, of course. You always seem to make people feel better, and I could use a lift. Studies are hard, and Al accidentally landed me in detention by writing POO on the back of my Quidditch robes. For some reason that stupid old Snoutworth (he's the caretaker) thought I'd done it myself on purpose to make everyone think me clever. So if you could write back it'd be loads of fun.

I hear you're staying at my house- and you'll be with us for the holidays, too! That's brilliant. I have so many questions, so I'll just ask them as fast as I can write- how's Roxy? And how's your little stuffed owl, Hooty? How's my dad doing? How do you like the Manor? Do you know anything about Rose's git pen pal that you can tell me (besides the fact that he's a git, I know that)? Did you bring your Silverbolt to the Manor? If you did, we can have pickup one-on-one games when I come. Bet you're good; a broom has to be easier than a motorbike. D'you think Rose fancies me? I know you won't tell Al or Rose about that part, so I decided to ask it straight up. How tall have you gotten? Bet I'm still loads taller than you. How's Grandma Weasley? Tell her I'm looking forward to Christmas Dinner at her house; it's spectacular.

Oh, Merlin, Rose is coming over right now- I can't keep writing, what if she saw the part about-

Write back soon!


P.S. Here's another charm for your bracelet.


Dear Scorpius,

Thank you for the owl charm. It looks just like Hooty and now my bracelet makes even more clinky noises!

Rose is a super brilliant girl but she hasn't a particle of taste in boys (or quills) so I'm not surprised if she really does have a git of a pen pal. Tell her from me that whoever he is, she can do better. I haven't heard any more about him than you have, so I can't say what he's like or anything.

Roxy is brilliant, at least I think she is- she sent Fred a magical hair dye disguised as shampoo; did he get it yet? If he didn't, PLEASE don't tell him, it's such a funny prank and besides, you're not a prefect yet (though you probably will be one day). Hooty is good- he's with me right now, on my bed. Draco gave me the left-hand tower room- it's such fun and so pretty! Draco's doing okay, I think. Your owl almost pooped on me this morning when it delivered your letter and it ripped his robe sleeve because it tried to land on his shoulder. Also I really like Malfoy Manor! I drew a mustash (is that how it's spelled?) on your grandpa's portrait in the gallery. When Draco saw I thought for a minute he was angry, but then he drew a beard on it too so I don't think he was angry. Your grandpa had very long hair.

I brought my Silverbolt- and I'm going to beat you into the dirt. Probably. Of course, I wouldn't ACTUALLY hurt you. I think Rose definitely fancies you, or if she doesn't she should. You're a blonde boy with Quidditch skills and excellent study habits and her father hates you. That should be enough for her, right?

I'm not much taller, really. That's okay though because I want to be a Seeker and Daddy says Seekers do well if they're short. And Grandma Weasley is good. She'll be so happy you asked!

Imperfection: A Scorily/Scorlily FanficNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ