Chapter Five: Draco's Question

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A/N: I realise now, as a much older and much less naive girl, that the previous chapter title, as well as a couple of the lines further down, sound INCREDIBLY creepy. So I've edited this a bit. 

You're welcome. 


  When he sees her next after that Christmas, it is on Platform Nine and Three Quarters, and she's seeing her brothers off again. She is ten, and her hair is longer; she's the tiniest bit taller, and she's more freckled than ever. In addition to this, her already large eyes seem to have gotten larger.

She runs over to Scorpius and his father as she did the year before, and this time Al comes with her. Scorpius notes that she's wearing the charm bracelet he gave her.

Draco greets both children with a smile. Many changes have come to him this year. He is warmer and kinder, and his eyes have a healed look about them. Scorpius has even heard him laugh over the summer holidays. But Draco has a bent look, too, and there are grey hairs in the platinum blonde. He is paler than usual, if that is even possible. Scorpius has not noticed this, and neither has anybody else but Draco.

"Hello, Draco," Lily says. She hugs Scorpius's father.

"Hello, Lily," Draco says. He holds out a hand to Albus. "Al." Then, turning back to Lily- "Are you bound for Hogwarts this year, Lily?"

Lily shakes her head; her grin doesn't falter. "Next year I'll be old enough."

Draco smiles. "I'm sure you'll do wonderfully."

Rose runs over. "Scorpius, Al, we'll miss the train-"

She ignores Lily; something about Lily, Roxy, a dungbomb, and James's pet iguana has made her dislike her younger cousin still more.

Lily smiles and waves as the older children leave. Draco looks fondly at her.

She turns back as the train pulls away, and her eyes are worried as she takes in Draco's bent posture and his pallid skin. "Have you a pain, Draco?"

Draco smiles wryly. "Yes, Lily."

"Does it hurt very badly?" Lily's eyes are concerned.

Draco's eyes are kind as he replies, "Not very badly, Lily."

Harry comes over. "Hello, Draco." He and Draco came to a reconciliation of sorts that Christmas half a year ago, and since then have done work together at the Ministry; Draco's the Head of the Department for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Wizardry.

"Hello, Harry."

Lily, sensing that the grownups need to talk about something which doesn't involve little girls, skips off happily.

Draco watches her leave. "I know I've told you this before, Harry, but your daughter is a treasure."

Harry smiles. "She is."

Draco coughs. "I wonder if you could let her visit Malfoy Manor a couple of times this school year?"

Harry looks at him with raised eyebrows.

"It's just- I get so dashed lonely, with Scorpius gone. Lily's always been able to cheer me up-"

Harry's face relaxes. "I understand." And he does. He knows that if he didn't have Ginny and Lily, he would be utterly and completely bored and dissipated. "You can have her for a couple weeks- you could have her for Christmas, too, if you like- you'll come to the family Christmas dinner, of course?"

Draco nods. "Wouldn't miss it. Listen, I think Ron's trying to kill me with a stare. I'd better leave."

"Alright," Harry agrees. "See you around, Draco."


And this time as Harry walks towards his wife and child, Draco smiles and begins to think about what Lily would like to do most at Malfoy Manor.  

I AM SO SIRIUSLY SORRY. I meant to update on Friday but I got my phone taken away and so I couldn't write this chapter (I write them on my phone). I am NOT dead or anything else unpleasant. I promise!!!

Please forgive me?

Love you all, 


P.S. When do you lot think Scorpius's feelings for Lily will change? Comment below!

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