Chapter Thirteen

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~~Sam's Point of View~~

I was shaking as to what Mrs. Anders was going to say next. I bit my lip and turned my head to Allie to watch her reaction without screaming out for Mrs. Anders to stop what I thought might come out of her mouth next. I saw Allie's face go from a great big smile to a concerned frown. 

"What's going on" She tried to remain calm as she asked this. She turned and gave me a worried look

"We, are actually here for a reason." Mrs. Anders looked over to Mr. Anders and he nodded. I felt as if i was going to puke what were they going to say. 

"Which is-" I asked

"Because we are so proud of you for being so strong Allie dear. Some people wouldn't have handled the situation you were in as well as you did." 

"Wait, so you guys, brought me to Disney world, with my girlfriend, just because you are proud of me for doing what I could've taken badly?" She looked upset because they got her worried over nothing

"Yes, exactly, we're quite proud of you, darling."

"You guys had me freaked out over nothing." Her face went from worried to irritated as she said this.

"Did we? Oh I'm terribly sorry dear, we just thought it'd be a good reason to take you to somewhere you beg to go every year.

"Yes, I'm glad you decided to bring me here. But seriously, don't scare me like that." She was back to her smiling face as she began eating. After eating Allison I was resting my head on her shoulder and she was holding her stomach hinting she had eaten a lot.

"Ready to go girls?" Mr. Anders stood up pushing his chair in. We both slowly stood up and did the same. After a long bus ride Allie had fallen asleep on me as I played with her soft hair which was pulled back into a ponytail.

"This is our stop." Mrs. Anders tapped my shoulder and looked down at me.

"Allie. Baby, wake up come on." I gently shook her shoulder and helped her stand up by grabbing both her hands. I kissed her forehead as she tilted forward towards me and we walked off the bus.

"Carry me." She groaned. I shook my head, she gave me a frown and put her head down. I cupped her chin and looked into her beautiful blue eyes

"Alright, Get on." I turned around and grabbed her knees as she jumped up onto my back I carried her until we reached our room. After sitting her on the bed I helped her to undress and grabbed her pj's

"I don't wanna get dressed." She folded her arms across her chest and pouted.

"Fine, get into bed then, I have to lock this door so we don't have another awkward run in with your dad." She giggled and held her arms up waiting for me to come lay with her. I put shorts on and got into bed with herresting my head against hers and brushing the hair from her face. She began falling asleep, trying her hardest to keep her eyes open. I just sat and watched her, I wasn't tired and she was so peaceful when she slept. I read for half an hour, at which point Allie rolled over onto her arm and looked up at me with her tired eyes.

"I Love you Sammy." She closed her eyes and fell back asleep on me.

"I love you too Baby. Sleep now." I kissed her nose and put my book away. It seemed like hours later that I finally did fall asleep. Around 4 A.M I woke up to the sound of crying. Allie was on the floor on her hands and knees covered in puke and other substances I couldn't identify do to the dark. I jumped up, flicked on a light and ran over to her.

"Baby, breathe what's wrong are you okay?" My voice cracked. I hated seeing her like this but I needed to be there for her because there wasn't a person in the world  who should have to deal with something like that alone. I rubbed her back as she tried calming down.

"Breathe baby, It's gunna be okay, You'll be okay." She placed her hands onto her knees and leaned over as if she was going to puke again. 

"I'm gunna go get your mom, stay there." I ran across the room and barged into the room.

"Wake up, Wake up!" I shouted. Mr. and Mrs. Anders shot up from their laying positon

"Wha-What's the matter?" Mr. Anders rubbed his eyes

"Get Up! Allie is puking everywhere!" They got out of bed no less than a second later and ran through the room into ours. At this time Allie was passed out on the floor not moving. Her dad checked to see if she was breathing. 

"She's ok just unconcious, call an ambulance." Her father was somehow calm and able to control what was going on. I ran over to the room phone and dialed 911 

*On phone* "911 what is your emergency" I couldn't seem to find the right words to put this in 

"She's- She's passed out on the floor, vomiting blood and-" I began to tear up 

"Come quick, please." 

*Phone* "She's breathing, Right?"

"Y- Yes!" 

*Phone* "We are on our way miss, remain calm, stay by the patient." They hung up the phone and I got my shoes on and brought Mr. and Mrs. Anders theirs as well. About 20 minutes later the paramedics arrived and Allie was still unconcious, I was shaking and felt like I was going to puke because of the smell. They strapped her onto a gurney and ran her down through the hotel, and into the ambulance. Mrs. Anders rode in the ambulance and Mr. Anders and I took the car. 

We were scared for our lives and the entire ride to the emergency room I was trying not to pass out due to hyperventilation. When we finally arrived at the hospital we were struck with the worst news anyone could hear.

The Touch Of an Angel (Girl x Girl)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon