Chapter Two

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Current time: 2:18 a.m. 

Date: June 16th, 2013

Sam awoke to a scream she was shaken up and it took her a second to realize it came from the hallway. She stood up and adjusted her tank top and walked across the hall to Allison's room. She slowly opened the door and saw Allison sitting up with her head in her hands.

"Allie, baby, are you alright I heard a scream. Can I come in."

She stood in the doorway and waited for Allison's approval.

"Please." Allison said in a shaky voice and looked over to Sam with a wet face.

Sam went over and wrapped her arms around Allison.

"Did you have a bad dream? What happened baby?"

Allison took in a long and staggered breath clear she had been crying.

"I-" She paused "There's something wrong with me. I'm going insane, I can feel it."

"Why do you say that?" She said with a calm tone as she wiped Allison's face of tears.

"There's something in my room, It stands at the end of my bed while I sleep."

"Nothing is here baby, you're just seeing things-"

"NO!" she shouts quietly. "It's really there!"

"Okay baby, Okay. Do you wanna come into my room?"

Allison sniffs and nods as she gets up.

"Come on I'm right behind you everything is okay, there's nobody here."  

After laying down in the bed that Sam was staying in Allison was able to calm down. They closed the door and left a dim light on. Sam wrapped herself around Allison and than pulled up the blanket.

"Is this why you've been on edge lately?" Allison nods sleepily.

"Does this happen a lot?" she nods again

"Alright, darling lets go back to sleep okay?" 

They wake up early in the morning by a thud at the window.

"What the hell?" Sam says groggily. "Aren't we on the second floor?"

Allison grunts and pats the space next to her "Come back I'm cold. It's nothing."

Sam looks at the window, and then at the clock. It's only 6:30 and It's the middle of summer so there's nowhere to be. Sam lays back down and wraps herself around Allison.

~~~Sam's Point of View~~~

Her skin was soft, and warm as I curled back up around her. She was wearing a pink tank top with matching boy shorts. I could lay here like this all day. Maybe I will. I had been worrying about her since last night when I was awaken by her screams of fear. She worries me, I don't know if she realizes it but I want to help her through this, I don't want her to feel hurt, or scared, or anything that isn't happy.

After waking back up She turned to look at me with her gleaming blue eyes.

"I'm hungry" She groaned.

"Aren't you always?" I laughed as I stood from the bed.

"Noooo don't leave babyy. I'm colddd." she even whines cute.

"Maybe put some pants on. I don't know how you're cold its 80 degrees outside."

"I'm cold because you're not cuddling mee."

I put one of my knees on either side of her as she laid on her back and kissed her. Her lips always tasted so sweet. There wasn't a minute of intimacy that I didn't enjoy.

The Touch Of an Angel (Girl x Girl)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα