Chapter Eight

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~~~Sam's Point of view~~~

"SAM!" I heard a yelp coming from Allie's room it startled me causing me to sprint up the stairs without a second thought. Upon sight of Allie I knew she was in pain.

"Baby oh my god are you alright?" I could feel my voice trembling; I hated seeing her in any type of pain, especially this much.

Allie took a deep breath in "It- it hurts." She began to cry heavily and fell back. I didn't know what to do. I walked over to her bedside. 

"Go- go get mom." she demanded. I didn't even hesitate. I ran back down the stairs into Mrs. Anders room and woke her up gently. 

"Mrs. Anders?" She squinted at me and grunted 


"Allie's in pain she needs you." I said shaking.

"What?" her eyes became wide as if she didn't understand what I had just said and she needed clarification.

"Just come upstairs" She immediately threw on her bathrobe and raced up the stairs behind me. When we reached Allie's room she was laying on her right side hugging her knees. I went around to the side her back was facing and sat next to her. 

"What's going on baby." Her mothers voice was worried but calm. 

"I slept wrong." Allie was quiet but understandable. 

"Oh, baby, they told you to sleep only on your back. C'mon let's sit you up and I'll go get your medicine for pain." Mrs. Anders and I helped Allie into an upright position placing pillows along her back and one behind her head. She left the room and I grasped Allie's delicate hand. 

"It's lunch time do you wanna come downstairs and eat? Or I could bring you something, or we could order pizza or I could go out and-" she cut off my frantic talking and kissed me, basically telling me to shut up, just in a more pleasant manner. 

"Take me out." She insisted.

"But that means you have to shower and get dressed and-" She pressed her finger to my lips. 

"Hush, now, I would like to go to the diner down the street. You can help me shower after the pain medicine kicks in." She stopped, clearly short of breath. "And it's not a fancy restaurant so I can go in a tank top and shorts." She was always so demanding, but who could say no to something that adorable.

"We'll ask your mom." I stroked the back of her hand in small swirls with my free hand as we waited for Mrs. Anders to come back up.

"Mom, can Sammy and I go to the diner?" A look of concern crossed her face as she gave it thought.

"You're not feeling well though sweetheart." I nodded in agreement, this was my original thought

"How about we order pizza-" I butted in and once again was cut off.

"Noo" She groaned, putting her head back and looking up at the ceiling.

"Are you 110% sure you can handle all of that movement?" Mrs. Anders was about to give in

"Yes, yes, yes totally. Pleaseee." She begged

"Fine, I want you to shower though, I can almost feel the stench." She joked "Do you need help?" She asked

"Sammy's got me, no worries." She smiled allowing Mrs. Anders to leave the room.

"Stay there." I got up and walked around to the side of the bed closest to the door, turned around, and patted my shoulders, offering her a piggy back ride down the hall. She grabbed on and kissed me on the cheek then rested her head on my shoulder as we slowly made our way down the hall. I sat her on the edge of the bath and turned the water on, holding my hand under as I adjusted the temperature assuring It was warm enough.

"We have to take that dressing off and wash your stitches ok? The doctor said it might hurt a little but it shouldn't."  I saw an unexpected sigh of relief, those stitches were probably itchy and covered in dried blood. She took off her top and I got some water to help get the medical tape off without ripping her skin open. When It was finally off after 10 minutes of slowly tearing little sections off at a time her wound was uncovered. She stood up and walked over to the mirror that was hung on the back of the door. 

"Shit what'd they do take my whole heart out why's it so big." she traced the line with her index finger while staring at her reflection. There was a bruise about the width of a fist and the length of a pencil in between her breasts. 

"They were-" She has got to stop cutting me off

"I knoww what they were doing." She said laughing. 

"Maybe I was gonna say they were replacing your cold black heart." We laughed as she walked over to the tub. I grabbed her hand and held my arm out ensuring she got in safely and helped her sit down. I gave her a warm cloth allowing her to wash herself as I washed her hair. After ensuring she was fully cleaned up I grabbed a towel off the warmer and held it open so I could wrap her up. As I wrapped her in the towel she wrapped her arms around my neck and looked up at me with her bright blue eyes. I knew exactly what she wanted, but as I caressed her cheek with the back of my hand and she knew she wasn't going to get that. 

"Please?" She looked down 

"Baby, first off, your mother is in the house, and I don't want you getting tired, give it a few days. You just got out of the hospital." I explained stressing the word just. She traced her finger along my chest.

"We don't haveta go to the diner." She bit her lip and gave me a sly look. My stomach swirled, while I wanted to give her everything, I didn't want her passing out on me.

"Allison. We're going to the diner. Let's go get you dressed." I hated having to deny something that both her and I wanted. But it was for her own good. We walked down the hall, hand in hand into her room, where she grabbed shorts and stole my hoodie off my back. I took one of hers from her closet.  I watched her as she brushed her wet hair back into a ponytail. I must have looked like I was undressing her with my eyes because the next thing I knew I was pressed against the wall. Her lips tasted sweet, like a candy cane. 

"Baby-" there was a brief second during moving from the wall to the bed where I could squeeze a word out. I knew this is what she wanted, and so did I, but we couldn't allow it to happen, at least not in her house, while her mom was home. She must've felt the tension because she stopped briefly to catch her breath. 

"What is it." she asked

"How about we take this the my place?" I asked, immediately regretting my words. She grabbed my hand and opened her door to head downstairs. I was shocked she hadn't been more out of breath as we reached the shoes. We slid on flip flops.

"We're leaving mom, be back-" she paused. Thinking carefully about her next words. "Later. We might go see a movie too!" 

"Little liar." I smirked as I shut the door behind us and helped her into my car. 

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