Chapter Eleven

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Sam's Point of View~~~

We checked into our room, it was unimaginably large. There were two separate rooms with a living room in between the two. One room had a king sized bed and the other 2 queens, which Allie and I took, giving the larger room to Mr. and Mrs. Anders. We both placed our bags on the bed closest to the door and began unpacking, we hadn't planned on going to the parks tonight, but we did have a dinner planned in the restaurant that was downstairs. I pulled out my phone, checking it and seeing I had missed two calls from mom. She was probably checking to ensure we had landed.

"Hello?" I said as my mother answered my call

"Sammy! My little girl! How was your flight, darling?" she sounded intoxicated

"It was fine, How's wherever it is you are?" they had been traveling all around and I never knew exactly where they were

"Vegas! Alright we'll be home at the end of the week, You'll be gone how long?" Although I had told her a thousand times already I told her once more

"10 days mom." I rolled my eyes as Allie looked at me, asking who I was talking to. She nodded her head and wrapped her arms around my waist as I hung up the call. Tossing my phone onto my bed. 

"So ten days, huh?" Allie smiled up at me

"No I said ten days because, uh," I though for a second, to think of an excuse that would sound completely obvious

"Ten days until I get my surgery that will transform me into a dog." she rolled her eyes and lightly smacked me on the arm.

"That's believable!"  she rolled her eyes a second time and looked up at me with her bright eyes. As her parents came out of their room in casual attire Allie jumped up and slid on her pink flip flops.

"Let's go. Let's go. Let's go!" She jumped up and down waiting for everyone else as impatientlly as a toddler. I think she was just ecstatic that she got to go do something other than lay around and sleep all day. As soon as I was able to slid my toms on she had a grip on my arm and pulled me out the door which was held open by her father. I stopped in my trackes in the middle of the hall, forcing Allie to stop as well, I turned around, patted my shoulders and she hopped onto my back. Resting her chin on my shoulder and kissing my cheek. "Onward, darling!" she held her hand forward as if i was her charriot. As we exited the elevator I allowed her to walk on her own, keeping ahold of her hand still her and I chose a table and Mr. and Mrs. Anders sat down, handing us money to go get our food.

"Come back when you get what you want and we'll go get our food." Mr. Anders smiled. Allie leaned over and kissed him on the cheek,

"Thank you so much daddy!" I couldn't help but allow a smile to spread across my face, she was like a small child. after a little while both Allie and I had ordered what we wanted and sat back down, allowing her parents to go get their food.

"So-" Her mouth was full still, she held her hand in front of her mouth as she swallowed to finish her sentence. "When do we get to go to the parks?" She had caught me with her question while I was still chewing. 

"Well tomorrow morning, we'll take it easy-" She cut me off

"Aww" She groaned thinking we weren't going to do anything.

"And, hit Animal Kingdom, which is smaller and has easier rides. We'll spend all day there and eat lunch there as well. At 6:00 we have a dinner planned somewhere special."

"Oh my god, I'm so excited!" she yelped a bit to loudly causing everyone around to stare but they offered small smiles as they made eye contact. A short while later her mother and father were in their pajamas watching a movie on the television. Allie and I were changing into bathing suits to head downstairs. 

"Do ya like it?" she asked about her new bikini which was light blue and floral, she held her arm across her stomach not sure of how amazing it made her look.

"You-" I paused and slowly walked over to her, grabbing both her hands. "You look gorgeous darling." I pressed my forehead to hers and gave her a small kiss before picking her us as if she had just married me. 

"Ah! What are you doing put me down!" she laughed as I threw her onto the bed. collapsing right next to her onto my back. I didn't realize I hadn't finished putting my top on until her father walked in to check on us. 

"I heard yelling are you guys oka-" he quickly said sorry and closed the door. I think he's scarred for life now, but at least we weren't actually doing anything. We both began to crack up as I put my top on and slid on a shirt to walk down to the pool.

 "Sorry about that guys-" Mr. Anders began

"Don't be we were just getting dressed!" I replied 

"Yeah- Ohkay let's go swim we'll be back later!" Allie said trying to end the awkward conversation

"See you later girls!" her mom waved as we closed the door behind us.


I'm sorry I haven't updated! Been super Busy! Thanks to all who are reading!!

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