Will zipped his backpack shut. He fixed his attention on the redhead. "Well, normally you're always messing around with Ronald when you should be in class or studying. But now it seems that he is no longer a distraction."

With a scoff, Grell responded defensively, "Just what makes you think I wanted your advice!? You clearly know nothing."

"Ah, but I do," Will said matter-of-factly. "It's unlikely he'll be in class if that's what you're worried about."

"And besides," he added, adjusting his glasses at the bridge of his nose. "You should be glad you can still go to classes here. This place has a no-tolerance policy towards violence of any kind."

Grell knew exactly what he was referring to. "You saw that too?"

Will nodded. "Yes. I just so happened to be walking to the library when that commotion happened. Unfortunately, other people on campus have been talking about it. You're lucky that those guards were new at their jobs. Otherwise, you and Ronald would have both gotten expelled."

There was a moment of silence.

"Just something to consider," William said with a shrug. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get going. Have a good day. " Without another word, he turned for the final time and exited the dorm.

Now all alone in the room, Grell slowly laid down on her bed, curled up in a fetal position.

"Perhaps with one nap, I'll feel better," she hoped. Facing against the wall, Grell closed her eyes. But within just a few minutes, she let out a frustrated sigh when her restless mind refused to settle down. She sat up, trying to figure out what to do.

Contacting Ronald was obviously out of the question. Grell thought about asking what Undertaker was doing today but remembered that he was most likely busy with work.

Grell knew she should be going to class, but she truly didn't feel like it. The last thing she wanted to do in this state of mind was to bear through a dull lecture.

But it had been ages since she had attended class now that she thought about it. Plus... if what Will said was true about Ronald not going to class himself, then she really had nothing to lose.

Figuring that forcing herself to go to class would be better than just being stuck in the dorm bored out of her soul, she reluctantly stood from her bed and quickly got ready for the day.

With a sigh of relief, Will took a seat at his usual desk. He had made it at his usual time. Because of his chat with Grell earlier, he had used up more time than he had intended. So, as soon as he shut the door behind him, he picked up the pace of his walking to make up for lost time.

Even if he had walked at his normal pace, he would have still had plenty of time until class officially started. He preferred to have at least a few minutes to himself, whether it was reviewing material or just sitting at his desk, allowing his mind to wander and clear itself.

As Will grabbed out his notebook and pen, setting them on his desk in front of him, he reflected on his motivational speech with Grell this morning. He failed to understand why he did such a thing, especially to someone who happened to be his irresponsible, obnoxious roommate. He didn't understand why he didn't simply keep silent and go on with his day.

He remembered how grateful he was that despite the redhead being marinated with alcohol last night, she immediately went to bed when she burst in the room while stumbling. Will could have sworn that she was asleep before her head even hit the pillow. Just two nights ago, Grell had been bawling her eyes out, forcing his attention away from his studies. But last night, Will was able to be granted more hours of silence and focus until he got drowsy himself.

But the silence that carried onto this morning wasn't the same. Even when Grell sat on her bed without saying a word, there was a tense, sorrowful aura that screamed at him.

He couldn't comprehend why he was bothered by Grell's sudden quietness. He remembered wishing that she and Ronald would just break up so that she would stop rambling about how handsome, breath-taking, and charming her boyfriend was. However, he figured at this point, Grell would find something, or someone else, to ramble about in just a matter of time. For right now, she was just grieving as most people would when they are heartbroken.

Will had to admit, the break-up happened much sooner than he had expected. He remembered how they were all over each other and predicted that they may last at least a year. That was until he witnessed the big fight occurring yesterday. He had halted for a brief moment to stare at the commotion before he continued on his way to the library. He anticipated that the fight was an indicator of the end of their relationship, judging by how intense it had been. Grell's confession this morning was merely a confirmation of it.

"Why are you thinking about a problem that isn't your own!?" Will scolded himself. The silence last night and this morning was something he had been yearning for ever since he had met Grell. He cursed himself for daring to even think about complaining about it now.

"It's not that I'm worried about her," he thought. And he ended up concluding that he was simply in shock at the sudden change. That change had an effect on his environment, which just distracted him.

He knew he just needed to phase out the drama. After all, he had more pressing matters like his schoolwork. He couldn't afford to get wrapped up in someone else's nonsense. All he needed to do was bear through the rest of the academic year with Grell as his roommate, no matter how unbearable her personality was.

The instructor began the lecture, letting Will know that he really needed to focus now. It was then that he heard rapid footsteps from the hallway leading up to the classroom entrance. He briefly glanced back, astonished when he saw who it was.

Uni Heartbreaker [Grelliam] PROCESS OF EDITING/REUPLOADINGWhere stories live. Discover now