"Yeah, it's an old one, but that's Rhea."

"Okay, so Carver's been the one exchanging e-mails with Jen. He wasn't lying; this is her birth mother." I nodded to Steve.

"Which makes Carver Jen's grandfather." I turned to look at Danny.

"Does Carver have any weapons up there?"

The store owner turned to look at my brother as he replied,"He has rifles, uses 'em to hunt." Steve nods.

"Okay, I'm going to need you to draw a map of the compound. Can you do that?"

"Sure." He's about to leave when someone walks in. "Uh, can I help you?" We all turn around and looked at him. He left when he saw us.

"Is he one of them?" I ask the store owner.


"Danny, Emily." Steve says warningly. We both start to walk out.

"Okay, he made us." I heard Kono in the background.

"Wait, whoa." I heard my brother say, making Danny and I slow down.

"Listen, he's gonna go back to the compound, tell Carver we're here, and Carver's going to run."

We turn around, just as Steve begins to speak,"What's the fastest way up there?"

"There's only one road in... unless."

Danny and I join them again,"Unless what?" 2 minutes later, we were on horses. "This is the only way in-- on an animal." Danny complained while Kono and I snickered. "We couldn't have got an ATV or a golf cart or something like...?" Steve glanced at him.

"Did you say ATV?"

"I did."

"They wouldn't hear an ATV from a mile away, would they, Danny? But you know what? Your whining is probably louder than the ATV."

"Whining?" Danny asks incredulously.

"Yeah, you're whining."

"How long have you two been married?" I gave Kono a high five and we both laughed. The boys shut up after that.

"Whoa, whoa, that's it, right there." I looked up from my saddle and gasped. It was a farm-like compound. Extremely large, and dirty.

We eventually made our way to a fence, no one was around, and we had left the horses tied up in hiding, hoping they wouldn't be found. Steve pulled out his knife and cut the wire fence. We ducked in and hid behind some equipment.

"Okay, so according to the map, Carver's cabin is right in the middle of the compound, okay? If Jen is here, that's where he is gonna be holding her." Steve said.

"Wait, I think that's her." We looked to where Kono was pointing. They were holding a woman by her arms and walking across the compound.

"Okay, come on, we got to move." I agreed with Danny's statement and we started moving. 

We got to the building they were taking her to first. So when the man went to open the door, Steve came around and grabbed him. The other one came to help, but Danny had his gun out. "On the ground. Get on the ground, face down and hands on your head!" The men complied. Then, while Kono and I went to get Jen, Danny and Steve put them in the building.

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