"J-just stay back." He shook his head, peering out behind me. I guess Sam saw something interesting again, but he stopped talking after that. He didn't even look to see if I listened! I did though, cause I remembered what Daddy said.

He told me to be good, so I would. I sat back down, and put the cube in my lap. It was all squiggly and rough with those letter pictures. "Hey Bumblebee..if you're an alien..do you like tacos?" I asked suddenly, only to hear static come through again.

I think that was him laughing, but it was hard to tell without his fairy wings. The fairy wings helped a lot. Though, I wonder why the black hider didn't have wings. Maybe it was because he was not that good yet.

I mean he did destroy Uncle Dork's pool..but he could hide really good.

"Hey, if my Uncle Dork's truck isn't really his..then is that the black hider? When I was at Auntie V's house, a hider like Bumblebee came and hid like my Uncle's truck!"

"You met Ironhide?" The girl asked and I nodded really quickly. "Mhmm! He landed in Cousins Stephine's pool! He was too big for it though and broke it."

The car let out another laugh, or static. I couldn't tell. "So much for being 'in disguise'..at least I know my house wasn't the only one trashed." Sam grumbled for a minute, and I tilted my head.

"Was Bumblebee your tooth fairy too, Sam?" I asked, but Sam just gave me this weird look. He acted like he knew everything about these hiders! But I guess not! Cause Sam didn't know they were fairies...or maybe it's just Bee wasn't obviously a fairy either!

"Are you not a good fairy Bumblebee? It's okay if you're not, the black hider isn't either! You just have to practice." I nodded, smiling at the radio. I bet they made better cars than tooth fairies, but you know...Daddy made a better soldier than a Daddy, because he was a solider more than a Daddy.

Maybe it was like that for these guys too!

They were cars for a long time, but were also tooth fairies! I bet that's why no one saw them.

"Hey Sam! Do you think if I did the honk sign, that truck-er-trailer would do it?" I asked, but Sam just looked at me, all confused. Maybe that was just his face..he was always just confused. That's sorta weird, cause grown-ups don't get confused.


"You know the honk sign!" I nodded, pulling my arm up and down. "Probably not." Sam answered, and I frowned. Maybe he wasn't that good at being a truck than.

They were just bad trucks and fairies.

"Hey Sam! Do you know the black hider?"

"He's names Ironhide."

"Oh. Is he nice?"

"He's a good guy."

"So he doesn't work for the meanies?"

"No..he's an Autobot."

"Are we in Africa?"


"Are you sure?"

"Yes! Now just shut up Jaycee."


"Just stop okay!"

"...Okay.." I mumbled, looking down at the cube again. I stared to trace the symbols with my finger, it felt really weird. The metal was cold, but I dunno different. I traced the squiggles gently, Sam was sorta mean. I mean I was just asking questions! He didn't have to be so mean about answering them..they weren't silly questions at all. I was being serious about them.

Jaycee Lennox *Bayverse Fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now