Chapter One- Damn those 5 beautiful boys

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The alarm went off earlier than expected on this Friday morning.  I rolled over to what time it was, pushing my golden curls off my face.  6:07 Am. What? I never set it to that, I looked around and saw my older sister Charlotte sleeping on the lounge in my room.  She woke me up earlier; she must’ve been waiting to see me wake up so she could tell me something.  So I crawled over to the edge of my bed, still on the covers, and threw a pillow at her face.  She woke instantly looking at me with her blonde waves matted from where she fell asleep on the leather.

“what do you want” she moaned in her croaky morning voice.

“I could ask you the same thing” I stated matter-of-factly.

Although we’d never admit it to anyone at school, me and my sister were extremely close, fighting never happened and she was always looking out for me as I was for her.  She was two years above me, head of the dance ensemble and dating the schools star athlete.  Who not only was drop dead gorgeous, but smart and kind, and everyone loved him… even my mum had a slight crush on him, but I don’t want to go there.

“Oh yeah Belle, I wanted to wake you earlier so you could watch the boys performance from last night with me?” she said after a long look of confusion in her sky blue eyes.  She was perfect.  Blonde, blue eyed, average height, skinny and you guessed it, boobs.  Then there’s me, I have golden blonde hair with plain blue eyes and a slim figure, but nothing like my sister.  Some people struggle to see how were related because she’s perfect, and I’m well, me.  “.. So is that a yes or do you want to go back to sleep?” Char asked after I had zoned out.

“YEAH! Of course! Chuck me the remote and sit up here yah flop!” I said jokingly.  She passed me the remote and I turned on my plasma that hung on the wall opposite my bed.  We had recorded their performance from last night because my sister was a die-hard directioner just like me.  We sat in awe as our favourite boys took the stage singing on of our favourite songs, chasing cars by snow patrol.  After the judge’s reviews, they announced that the boys would be staying in for another week.  Me and my sister screamed with excitement, with me jumping up on the bed, hitting my head on the roof and falling off the bed and onto my wrist with a CRACK.  I screamed again.  But this time not fangirling, this time it was pain.  A violent throb pulsed up my entire arm and my wrist went numb. 

I let out a shout of “SHIT BALLS FUDGE MUFFINS”... and my sister jumped off the bed and landed by my side.  Her little laugh at my lame attempt of a swear was interrupted by the look of agony on my face and the tears started to roll up in my eyes.  She screamed for mum and ran out of my room.

-2 hours later-

“Ow! That hurt Renee!” I screamed as my 9 year old sister poked my broken wrist.  Renee was the splitting image of charlotte but she had a strange personality.  And when I say strange, I mean strange.  My little sister is diagnosed with ‘add so she can’t keep focus and doesn’t understand why some things happen, but no one does.  And with saying that, she is the funniest most loving 9-year-old ive ever met.

“Thanks for breaking your wrist Belle” she said comfortingly.

“What why?” I asked completely confused at my little sister’s statement.

“Because now I get the day off school!” she shouted

“Glad to help” I mumbled under my breath giving nay a little smile.

My phone lit up and one directions cover of Torn starting playing throughout the not-so-quiet hospital ward.  I picked up and answered it not checking the caller ID.  But from the greeting I didn’t need to check.

“FLUFFY!” my best friend Lana screamed down the phone.

“NOODLE!” I shouted in response.  Oh and don’t ask me about the nicknames I don’t even remember how they started.

“How are you? I heard you hurt your wrist?”

“Yeah I broke my left wrist Larn, damn those 5 beautiful boys and they’re angelic voices!”

“What? Your crazy!” she stated completely confused.

“I fell off the bed fangirling after One Direction was announced to stay in the competition… Don’t laugh please” I confessed letting out a giggle of my own after realizing exactly how I managed to break my wrist.

“Woe Belle, that’s clumsy even for you!” she sounded impressed at my new level of clumsiness.  “… Look I have to go, but get better! Oh and One Direction got twitter accounts, you can try talk to them through there if you’re bored” and then she had hung up.

If I was bored!? I’d stalk them on twitter even if I was having tea with the Queen or at least Julia Gillard… You know some famous person… I quickly opened up my laptop and searched their names into the twitter search bar.  Followed them all, and I spent the rest of the day tweeting to my favourite boys, hoping to get noticed.  I tweeted for hours and hours to each of them when finally mum came in and said I could leave the hospital to go home.  So I turned off my laptop and got into the car.  As soon as I got home I fell asleep and forgot all about my Twitter expedition.

But if I only knew the impact I had made on one of the band members hearts just by a simple tweet.  And the chain of events that followed a simple 140 word sentence that would change my life forever.

I Wanna Save You Tonight- A One Direction Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now