The answer

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The next morning I got extremely nervous for some reason as I got ready for school and went downstairs, I felt sick to my stomach. Sakura knocked on the door and I opened it. "Today is the big day, he's sure to say yes" I had a faint nervous smile on my face and nodded.We headed off to school, I didn't say anything on the way to school but Sakura just wouldn't shut up. When we got there I felt like running away instead, I have him first class, but he won't tell me until lunch time. We went over to our lockers and got ready for the first class. We went to our first class and I couldn't look at sensei at all. All I could think about during class is what he would say and how he would say it.

'Hah, I didn't have to think about it at all, I mean of course he's going to say no, we are both guys after all, and he has a girlfriend' I thought. All the answers I could think about was where he said no. I sighed and just waited for class to end.

At lunch Sakura and I were at our lockers "You can go in alone" Sakura said.

"Sakura-chan, please don't make me. I'm nervous" I replied.

"Fine I'll come with you" she smiled and we walked to his room together and his door was open so she pushed me in and ran away as I stumbled into his room and he caught me. I was on top of him on the ground, I blushed and was about to quickly get off of him and apologize but he held me down and kissed me; I blushed more and quickly got up.

"Nobody can find out about this" sensei said

I nodded, "so the answer is..yes?" I asked.

"Yes" he said and I smiled and hugged him tight. "Alright, you should go to lunch" he said, I nodded and left.

"So..?" Sakura popped out from behind a corner.

"So what?" I replied

"What did he say?" she asked.

"oh...he said yea" I replied

"Well you don't sound very enthused about it"

"I can't tell anyone"

"Well I'm happy for you" she smiled and we headed to the lunch room. I was a bit scared because of all the things that could go wrong when a teacher is dating a student. Oh well, there's no point in being afraid, well get through it somehow. After lunch nothing happened and after school I was about to walk home with Sakura like usual but sensei caught us before we left.

"I can drive you guys home if you'd like" sensei said.

"Isn't that kind of against the rules sensei?" I asked him giving him a questioning look.

"It's not against the rules, plus no one would know" he said and I sighed and nodded.

You two can go, I'll walk" Sakura said. I looked at her giving her an 'I-will-get-my-revenge' face. She smiled and waved at us as I followed sensei to his car.

I got into the passengers seat and put my bag down on the ground. Sensei got into the drivers' seat, "what's wrong? You seem nervous" he asked.

"Why wouldn't I be? I'm with you after all sensei" I replied.

"Why do you care about me so much anyways? I'm your sensei, you should never fall in love with your sensei" he said as he started up with car and pulled out of the driveway.

"I don't know, you're just...different from all my other sensei's" I replied.

"Different how?"

"You're just different, I don't know, you're just important to me" I said, he chuckled.

"Well, here we are" he said

"Thank you" I said and started to get out of the car. He grabbed my arm when I tried to grab my bag and kissed me.

"Good bye" he said smiling. I took my bag and waved. My face was crimson red. He chuckled, I closed the door and he left. Mom must have been watching because once I went to the porch she opened the door for me.

"So?" mom asked as I walked in.

"Sensei and I are dating now mom" I confessed.

"You know you guys are 9 years apart, right? And that you can get your heart broken because a teacher and student shouldn't be dating and you aren't even 17 yet" she asked.

"Yea" I said.

"Good" she said smiling, "now go do homework, dinner will be done shortly." I went upstairs and did as she said. Sensei is pretty young, he's 25 and I'm 16. I've known couples that are father apart in age. The only really bad thing about this relationship is that he's a teacher and I'm a student. Next year though, I'll graduate, then they can't do anything to me but they can still fire him. I hope that doesn't happen though, maybe we can talk some sense into them.

"Dinner time!" mom called up to me and I stopped everything I was doing and went downstairs.

Hello! Yes it's been awhile. I'm so lazy though! So lazy! And stuff has been happening, so busy that I haven't even updated "Opposites attract" in a while. Maybe life will settle down soon. I really don't think I'll have much time since I'm a junior, though I don't think I'll do PSEO next year because it is too much pressure to do well. So yea, anyways, I hope you enjoyed, PS, this is the ending, there will be no more. So THE END!!! and stuff, thank you for reading, I love you, and if you haven't then please comment, favorite, and follow..please, thanks, bye then.

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