|| Chapter 1 ||

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Emma Watson as Melanie Swan ^^^

I walked through the school halls. The first day of senior year. And I felt great. I cut my hair finally after I've been thinking about it. But this year is going to be different, we have a bucket list of things that we will be doing, me and my best friends, Lacy and Mai. I spotted my friend Lacy at her locker and I made my way to her.

"I hate him so much! I hate them so much! I just want to come up to each one of them and give them a big hug." I smiled innocently while looking at them.

"Awe, you're so sweet, I told you that you'll learn to love them!" She said as she took out a book from her locker.

"Around the throat with my freaking hands!" I quietly yelled but it still caused a couple of looks at me.

"Oh my god, really Mel, and here I though you will worship them like the rest of the school!" She laughed at me and closed her locker.

"I'd rather eat a slug than being in the same atmosphere as them," I looked at them in disgust.

There is Derek, I totally forgot his last name, but he is a prankster and you don't want to get on his bad side, he'll prank you until you die. He is not nice. His hair is black but his eyes are green. Green like the grass green.

The other one is Noah Hale. Such a sweet guy if you get him out of the same atmosphere as the rest of his pack. He has brown hair that matches with his chocolate brown eyes. Two words describe him, cute and evil. He is truly evil. The most evil of evil, if that makes sense.

Lastly, there is Theo Grey, hate his guts. He has beautiful blond hair and amazing blue eyes. If only he didn't get on my nerves and wasn't an arrogant player. If only! I watched them pass by and walk inside a classroom.

"My first period is hell, so wish me luck!" I told her and followed them in the class.

"Sup freak," I heard Theo say to me. You see I'm a nerd, the nerdiest nerd of all nerd in the quarter of the population that is full of nerds. But that's not fully me, that's only half of my personality. I always ignore them.

"You're so fat that you can sell a lot shade," He said and caused laughter in the room. Just because I wear big sweaters doesn't mean I'm fat. Maybe they are just blind.

"Where you born on the high way? Because that's where most accidents happen," more laughter comes around the room. If he wants to insult me, I'm going to insult him back because I'm sick of people laughing at me when they don't even know me. Maybe it's my chance, maybe they can finally leave me alone.

"Scientists say that the universe is made out of neutrons, protons, and electrons. But they forgot to mention morons," I said out loud. That causes a lot of gasps, 'oohs' and 'ahhs', and mostly shocked faces.

"Wow, the nerd isn't mute," Theo said with a shocked expression.

"I'm sorry I didn't get that, I don't speak idiot," I briefly said. I have more insults up my sleeve.

"The zoo called, they are wondering how you got out of your cage?" He said smirking.

"Life is short and so is your dick," I say taking out my notes.

"You wish you touched it!" He said, immediately I made a look of disgust.

"Just because you have one you doesn't mean you need to act like one!" I looked away not able to meet his face. Apparently, we have been drawing up quite an audience.

"Did you do your makeup this morning or did you just get gang-banged by Crayola?" He asked causing laughter in the room.

"I would take my anger out on your face but it seems like your genetics have put it through enough suffering already!" I smiled at this one, I was proud for making such comebacks especially when we are in Biology class.

"What the hell is genetics?" He asked looking around.

"Calling you an idiot would be an insult to all the stupid people!"

"I thought of you today and it reminded me to take the garbage out,"

"You're a living proof that even ugly people have sex!"

"I'm not saying she's fat, I'm saying that if I were to pick five fattest people, I know she'll be three of them," He said looking around and giving people innocent looks.

"I'm not saying I hate him, I'm just saying that if he were ever got hit by a car, I would be probably driving that car," I also looked around and smiled at people. Honestly, this was the first time I ever said anything back at him. And not going to lie, it felt good to talk back to him.


"Save your breath, you'll probably need it to blow up your date," I said trying to make him shut up.

"If you'd be anymore of a bitch then you'd have puppies," Oh no he didn't!

"Then you won't be the only dog in the room,"

"Please keep talking, I only yawn when I'm interested," he said and fake yawned.

"Roses are red, violets are blue, I have five fingers and the middle one is for you!" And for more effect, I showed him the middle finger.

"Oh look, you seem to be giving my middle finger a boner," he said showing me his middle finger.

"Your sluts told me that it's the only boner you can get," I smiled because I tried to hide my laughter. His face was priceless. All girls throw themselves at him. What is he? A girl attractor? I see nothing in him. His head is as blank as a printer paper. Literally.


"That's enough!" I heard the angry voice of the teacher.

"Everyone who isn't in this class, out! The show is over!" He screamed angrily. I noticed that I was standing up and so I took a seat and fixed my short hair that was in a bun.

"And as for you two, you will be receiving detention today for disturbing my class," He said and walked away. My mouth hung open. He can't just do that! That wasn't my fault for trying to defend him.

"Close your mouth angel, we don't want you catching flies," I looked at Theo as he smirked.

"I'd slap you in the face right now, but that will be animal abuse!" I smiled.

"Heard that one before," He said. I ignored him  as he laughed.

I hope detention won't be that bad...

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Haiiii readers! How is life going? Did you like this chapter? If you want me to continue make sure to vote and comment! Goal: 50 votes XD Thank you for reading! Bye!
xx writer

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