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     At around noon was when Barry would take a break from training, and it was also the time of the lunch date. Barry had told you he would meet you there so you went to CC Jitters before him. You ended waiting for quite a while, you figured it was because Cisco was probably talking to him, after all he is your over-protective big brother.

     You were standing near the front door waiting for him, when Barry finally walked in to CC Jitters. You hadn't noticed he had walked in yet and he surprised you when he hugged you from behind, wrapping his arms around your waist. You turned around to face him, once he let go of you and said to him making sure no one was close enough to hear, "Ironic, isn't it? Fastest man alive late for something."

     "Don't blame me, Cisco was saying that if I hurt you in any way, he would probably kill me," Barry said.

     "Excuses, excuses," you joked to him as you laughed. He laughed along with you.

     Then you both stood in line together, talking about random things, once you were at the cashier you both ordered your favorite things from the menu. Once you got your orders you both sat at a table in the back corner.

     "So, (Y/N), what did you do before the whole particle accelerator?" Barry asked you then added, "If you don't mind me asking."

     You replied to him with, "Of course I don't mind you asking. Before it had happened I just worked at STAR Labs with Caitlin, Cisco, and Dr. Wells." Barry nodded a bit. "How about you?"

     "I was the forensics scientist at CCPD, same as now."

     You both were sitting next to each other holding hands, your head leaning on his shoulder. Then out of nowhere you started to get a headache, it was hurting a lot, you placed your head in your hands. Along with it you were seeing things. They were visions, but visions of things you were sure had never happened. The sounds around you were blocked out, but you could slightly make out Barry's voice asking you over and over if you were alright. Then you saw the worst vision out of all, Cisco getting killed, in the vision you couldn't see their face, but you had a suspicion of who it could be. Whoever it was it must've been Reverse-Flash, you knew for a fact it was because Barry would never.

     The visions stopped once you saw that, Barry looked really worried. "(Y/N), what's wrong?" Barry asked once again, his hand on your shoulder. That's when you realized you had tears going down your cheeks, you quickly wiped them away.

     "No... I saw some things..." You said, then you hugged him, and he hugged you back in a comforting way.

     "Like what?" He asked you.

     "I saw Cisco die... Along with other things, but that was the worst..." You say hugging a bit tighter. When you looked up at Barry, he had a look, as if he knew something you didn't and didn't want to share it. "What? What's that face for?"

     "(Y/N), that did happen, this day did too, it's almost like it got reset when I ran at a high speed," Barry explained. "But this time, that didn't happen, as if the timeline shifted to something else."

     "Do... Do you know who did it?" You asked hoping he would tell you, you really wanted to know.

     "It was Reverse-Flash," he answers, "but (Y/N), Dr. Wells is Reverse-Flash. Cisco was just telling me how he had visions of it happening."

     You didn't believe him, the man in the vision was standing, Wells was in a wheelchair. You shook your head, "No, it couldn't have been, Wells would never... He cares a lot about Cisco..."

     "I'm sorry, (Y/N), but he did, and he is Reverse-Flash," Barry said and you looked him in the eyes, and the look he had told you he was telling the truth.  

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