Chapter 3

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Sonic pov

We made it to what is probably the amphitheater. I saw Yang waving to Ruby.

Ruby: Oh, that's my sister! Gotta go! I'll see you after the ceremony!

Jaune: Wait!

Sonic: I think I should be going to.

After ditching Jaune, I saw Shadow in the crowd.  He was talking with two others. They may be human, but I could tell who they were from a mile away.

Sonic: So you guys came here too, huh.

Silver: No thanks to you. I woke up about to get eaten by a strange black bear.

Blaze: I don't feel comfortable being human.

Shadow: We have a more serious matter to deal with. If you guys are here, then that must mean...

Sonic: Eggman must be here too.

Ozpin: Ahem. I'll... keep this brief.

We looked to see Ozpin on the stage.

Ozpin: You have traveled here today in the search for knowledge, and when you are finished you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy. A loss of purpose and direction. You assume knowledge will free you from this. But,  your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only take you so far. It is up to you to take the first step.

He left and Glynda came forward.

Glynda: You will all gather in the ballroom tonight. Tomorrow, your initiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed.

Sonic: Talk about words of encouragement.

Blaze: Hey seemed a bit off.

Silver: Yeah, like he wasn't even there.

- Timeskip-

Silver pov

Everyone was heading to sleep in the ballroom so we decided to set up the sleeping bags shadow "borrowed".

Silver: So, did anyone figure out how to get back home?

Blaze: All we know is that we got here using chaos control.

We all looked at Shadow because he knows more about that than the rest of us.

Shadow: Even if we did find a way back, we can't leave Eggman here.
Also, I have a feeling Amy and Rouge are here too.

Sonic: Looks like we're gonna be here for awhile huh?

Sonic smiled. We knew what he was thinking. This is gonna be one hell of an adventure.

???: What is going on here?

We looked over and saw a girl with white hair yelling at the kid sonic was hanging out with. A blonde started arguing with her and a girl with a bow blew out some candles. I sighed and laid in my sleeping bag. I started to wonder, how bad could this world be? I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


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