Billionaire #8

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I was in my office making the contract Mrs Stone had asked me to do. I worked in a Fashion and Entertainment company called M.E.G.A, the M stands for Megan, the E stands for Mr Ethan Stones who created the company but then he passed away and left the company to his wife Mrs Stone, then the G is for Gia and the A is for Ashley, her sister. With the two sisters being famous well known supermodels and actresses and their mother being a fashion designer they are one of the most successful families in America right now, with their million dollar company the Stones are like the wealthier Kardashians. Once I was finished typing the contract I printed it the I went over into her office to give it to her. I knocked on her black glass door "come in" I pushed the door and went in to see her sitting in her desk speaking on the phone, I looked to the side to see Gia sitting on the black leather couch on her phone. As if she could sense someone was looking at her she looked up at me and smiled, I smiled back. "Rose, is that the contract I asked you for?" I turned around and looked over at Mrs Stone "uh yes Mrs Stone" " You are amazing thank you, sit down. Gia get your feet off my leather couch!" I sat down and I couldn't help but smile "you need to chill mom" Gia came and sat down on the chair next to mine then Mrs Stone sat on hers and looked at us. "Gia this is Rose, Rose this is Gia." I looked over at the blonde and she looked at me with that same smile "we've met" Gia said. "Oh wonderful then cause I am leaving you two in charge of my company while I'm gone" "the fuck? Your leaving? Where the fuck are you going? And why do you decide to leave just three weeks before Fashion week?" I was still shocked to speak " you need to stop speaking like that Gia. I am taking a break, I did not choose to do this, it is something I have to do. My stress levels are high and I have been having black outs lately so I went to go see my doctor and I've lost a lot of energy due to all the stress and the late night working. At my age I should be giving my body a break but I'm cooking my brain and killing my body. I need to give myself a break and with fashion week coming closer it makes me even more stressed and under pressure because we have not one, or two but three shows to showcase in that week and if I take this break we will loose a lot of money I know, but it's better to loose money than loose myself. " Mrs Stone said "but why me? Ashley is older and she was always dads favorite and he believed she should be in charge of the company" Gia said "you and I both know that's not true, your father loved both of you equally and he believed you could both be in charge of this company" "and Rose, your the hardest working worker that has ever worked for me. You put in so much dedication into everything that you do for me and your first ever interview blew me away. I need someone like you to keep my company together and I know Gia will need someone like you to keep her together" what the fuck does that mean?  "Keep me together? What the fuck does that mean! You should just be honest and tell me that you need her to keep an eye on me" "that's not true Gia, you know I'm a straight forward person and if I wanted somebody to keep an eye on you, I would have said that but I didn't because I trust you, both of you. " Mrs Stone said "Exactly how long are you going to be gone?" I asked "well, eight months" "what the fuck mom! Eight months!?! I have some stuff I also need to do you know" "well then Rose will be in charge of the company while you do your other things. This is very important to me, I need you two to know that. I am putting everything I have in this company in your hands and I need to know wether your in or not. Rose, please think about it and Gia, get your feet off my desk!" Gia rolled her eyes "you really need to chill" . "I think you two should start getting to know each other since your going to be partners and Rose, please think about this" I nodded then I got up and made my way out of her office and to mine. I closed my office door and sat down on my chair. I still can't believe Mrs Stone has asked me to be in charge of her company, I mean she could've asked Gia only since she is family but she also asked me so I cannot disappoint her. My door opened and the beautiful blonde walked in and closed the door behind her. "Hey" she sat down on the chair "hi" I said "look I know my mom doesn't believe I can be in charge of this company so I think you should make most of the decisions for a lot of things" "Your mother is an amazing woman and she trusts you and believes in you" I didn't understand why she was always so negative towards her mother really "and we are going to be in charge of this company together, fifty fifty and we will make decisions together no matter what" I said. She looked a little shocked "behind that beautiful soft looking face of yours is actually tough woman" a small smile crept on my face "How about we grab dinner together" Gia said with a very seductive smile "I don't know if I can trust you when you have that smile on your face" I said, she laughed "there's something about you Rose and I'd like to know what it is, over dinner" "I have a lot of work to do Gia, maybe next time" "I'm not taking no for an answer Rose" she stood up and walked over to my side and leaned against my desk. "Look I know that your not used to people saying no but I really need to finish some work, I have a very important meeting tomorrow" I said "your going to be in charge of M.E.G.A, you could just get one of the other workers to do the work" "no" she sighed then she pushed my chair and turned me around to look at her, she looked at me and I looked at her "your very pretty" I rolled my eyes and pushed her hands off my chair "you know if you just say yes I will leave you at peace to carry on with your work" she said "fine, yes" she smirked "I'll pick you up at seven" "but you don't know where I live" she laughed then winked at me and made her way to the door. I couldn't help but stare at her long tanned legs "wear something nice " she said turning around, she smirked when she caught me checking her out then she laughed "it's rude to stare Rose" then she opened the door and walked out. Well, that was embarrassing. I went back to work but now and then I would think about two certain blondes and how everything was changing so fucking fast. I managed to finish my work though a couple hours later.

In her office (girlxgirl)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora