Billionaire #3

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Inside the car Xena was talking on the phone while I looked out the window. The city seemed so alive,the people looked happy and like everything had a positive vibe. After awhile of driving we reached a tall and fancy building which I figured was our hotel. Outside the car were men holding cameras. John whose job depended on me opened the door for me and all the men came running making a circle around Xena and I. I tripped on a step "shit" Xena quickly held my waist before I hit the floor, her hand found my face and she looked at me with a worried look on her face. "Are you okay?" She whispered softly "I'm fine" she nodded and took my hand and led me inside. I kept my head down as the men shouted questions,pushed and flashes flashed everywhere. We finally got inside the building and Xena turned around,looking pissed "If something like that happens again John, i will fucking fire you and make sure you never get hired again" "I apologize miss queen" she turned around without giving him another glance and led me up the stairs. She opened the door to our suite and let go of my hand, a apart of me wanted her to take it again. Which was weird. I walked in through the door and she closed the door behind me. "Wow" was all I could say when I saw the amazing view it offered. "This is amazing" I whispered to myself. I turned around to see Xena looking at me up and down. "Your beautiful" she said looking at me directly in the eyes. "Do you always do this? Ask your interviewers to spend the weekend with you then tell them they are beautiful,hold their hands and act all tough in front of them?" She looked at me in disbelief then she laughed. Honestly her laugh was perfect,just perfect. "Your funny" she said turning around and heading for the kitchen "and your not answering my question" "I am not answering your question Rose. Are you hungry? If you are you we can order some room service and do whatever you want. My meeting was cancelled so we can chill or whatever you want?" "Why won't you answer my question?" "If you don't shut up I will make you shut up" "you should just answer the question" "you should just shut up" " or what?" I challenged. She looked at me with a smirk on her lips "you shouldn't have said that" she said before walking up to me and pushing me on the couch behind me. She climbed on top of me and put my hands above my head, Her lips found my neck and a moan escaped my lips. I had never felt like this before . She planted soft kisses on my jawline and made her way to my lips. She looked me in my blue eyes and I looked back at her at her caramel brown eyes. Her eyes landed on my lips for a second then she looked back up at me "I don't do this to all my interviewers. I'm doing this because I want you" she whispered before getting off on top of me and going back to the kitchen. I got up and walked to where she was on the kitchen and sat on the counter. I watched her as she flipped through the food menu on the table. "So......are you going to tell me why you said you want me?" I asked crossing my legs "no" she said without even looking up at me. "Why won't you tell me?" "Because I don't want to" "what do I have to do for you to tell me?" She looked up at me and dropped the menu she was holding then she walked up to me "wrap your legs around my waist and put your arms around my neck" she demanded. I did as told and she put her left hand on my butt and her right on my waist then she picked me up. She picked me up so easily, the way she held me made me feel some type of way and oh my gosh she smelled amazing. I let my head rest on her shoulder while she walked to her bedroom. She put me down on the bed and cupped my face and looked me in the eyes "take a shower with me" she asked, or more like demanded. She took my hand and led me in the fancy bathroom "take your clothes off" she started taking her clothes off until she was naked in front of me. I just stood there and looked at her,completely shocked, Xena fucking Queen is naked in front of me . She walked towards me and started undressing me. I just looked at her as she pulled my jeans and panties down. When I was fully nude she took my hand and led me to the shower where she turned the hot water on. There were two shower heads and she turned them both to where we were standing, then she pulled me closer to her body and put her hands on my waist. "Wrap your arms around my neck" she demanded. I put my arms around her neck and looked at her "are you always this demanding?" I blurted out "only with you" she said reaching for the towel and soap behind me "why me?" "Because I want you. I want you to give yourself to me" "you only met me yesterday" "I know that" she said "is that why you brought me to Miami? You wanted me to sleep with you?" I asked anger building inside me,I pulled my arms away from her and turned around to walk out the but she pulled my arm and pulled me back inside and closed the glass door. "Let me out" I said, I tried to open the door again but she was so damn strong she just pushed me against the glass "I'm not that low. I brought you here to help you with your interview" she said looking at me but I looked down at the floor. She lifted my chin up and I looked at her "your so cute when your mad" a small smile appeared on my lips. Then she put the towel down and her hands went back to my waist, her left hand cupped my face then her eyes looked down at my lips. She leaned in and her soft lips landed on mine, at first I didn't respond because I was too shocked at what was happening but I kissed back when she asked for entrance. Her right hand squeezed my butt which made me moan then she cupped my boob and squeezed it. Another moan escaped and her lips found my neck, then she pulled away. I looked up at her  since she is taller than me and saw her staring at me "what wrong?" I asked "I'm wet" she said "of course you are were in the shower "no. Your making me wet......there" she pointed down and I couldn't help but giggle. "So your horny?" I asked "yeah" she answered "now what?" I asked "now we take a shower then I'm going to take a nap then maybe later we can go out and see Miami"


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