Billionaire #6

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"Rose" a kiss on the cheek "wake up love" I slowly opened my eyes and saw Xena beside me. "morning" i said in a hoarse voice "morning" she got up off the bed "how'd you sleep?" I asked "I slept really well and you?" "Same" I said stretching and yawned. I looked down and realized I was still naked, I grabbed my panties from floor and put on Xena's sweatshirt. Last nights happenings flashed in my mind. "Last night was amazing" I said more to myself ,Xena looked up from her phone and smiled "yeah. You were a naughty kitten" she said with a smirk playing on her lips. I threw a pillow at her but she caught it and threw it back at me, hitting my head "ow. You are so going to pay for that" I grabbed the pillow and walked towards her, I smacked her head with the pillow and she looked at me as if telling me to run. "Come here!" I ran around the room "sorry, I didn't mean to hit you so hard" I said laughing the she jumped at me and grabbed my wrist "your need to be punished" she said . "Turn around" I turned around until my back was facing her,she pushed me against the bed then she pulled my panties down. I gasped then she smacked my butt,hard. "Ah!" She smacked it again and again and again until I was sure she left a mark. "Get up" I got up and turned around and looked at her "kiss me" I put my arms around her neck and kissed her,her right hand grabbed my ass and her left cupped my boobs. A soft moan escaped my lips. Then she pulled away "let's take a shower, my plane leaves at 2 pm today to go back to New York,so in the meanwhile im going to take you shopping"  
Xena and I went inside the plane and sat down on the seats next to the window. She was holding my hand and a smile was plastered on my face. "Thank you" I said, she looked over at me "for this weekend. Thank you" she gave me a small smile and leaned over and kissed my cheek. I was looking at all the pictures I took on the camera when Xena's phone rang, I looked over at her and she was still sleeping. I picked the phone up from the table and looked at the caller I.D, Stella Maxwell. I didn't know whether I should wake her up and give her the phone or not. So I put it back down on the table and carried on looking at the pictures. Stella Maxwell, the name sounded familiar..... Stella Maxwell. I sat there and tried to remember where I've heard the name before, then it hit me. Stella Maxwell is a famous Supermodel, who models for famous clothing designers like Tommy Hilfiger,Stella McCartney and Mark Jacobs. I remembered one of the guys I work with had to do a piece in our magazine about 'Stella Maxwell and Xena Queen spotted together at DKNY fashion show in New York. Are they secretly dating?'. Then the phone rang again and this time Xena woke up

In her office (girlxgirl)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora