Chapter 6

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Betty's POV
We were still at the carnival, so were hundreds of people mingling around us. But I didn't notice any of them, all I noticed was Jughead's hand intertwined with mine. He seemed nervous but I didn't take any notice of it. This day was too perfect, too surreal to ruin with my anxiety. Screams of terror sounded around me and I ripped my hand from Jughead's, stumbling backwards. He looked over in shock and hurt before Noticing my panic. Jughead stepped forward hesitantly and gripped my face between his soft hands.
"Hey, shh it's okay, it's only the roller coasters," he whispered, face only inches from mine. Tingles were left on my face every time his breath hit it.
"I know. I know. I'm sorry," I was ashamed to know that my voice.
"Betty" he whispered looking at me with those greeny blue eyes whilst continuing to say "you never say sorry to me, I love you Betty cooper, I will always forgive you,"
The words came from his heart and they stuck a nerve deep inside of me. So I couldn't stop the tears from falling down my cheeks and onto his hands.
"I love you so much jug" I sobbed.
"A-a-also..." he stuttered, those beautiful eyes twitching everywhere across my face, my body. " Betty cooper will you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?"
I stared into his waiting eyes. I could get lost in those bluey green eyes, i could see the waves of the oceans crashing within his pupils. I could get lost in his strong arms. And so I said...
"Yes, a thousand times yes!"
I lost all thought when his lips touched against mine.
Jughead offered to take me home, yet I said I was fine. He really wanted to as he said I might not be safe alone after what happened a week ago when I ended up in hospital.
I was walking home. Having flashbacks of last week. No one knew, not even Jughead, I'm terrified if it happens again. Fear wasn't a new feeling for me, since I have anxiety. My anxiety has gotten worst this week, the slightest noise makes me scared. The fear of someone following me, jumping out at me made my legs tremble. But the feeling I felt now, this was beyond fear. I thought about my trainers getting muddy in the light rain that just started. Or my brand new pink pastel jumper getting ruined. But I didn't care about any of that when I heard a rustle in the dark bush next to me. I stopped and sharply turned my head. My heart practically beating out my chest. I quickly started walking again.
It was about 5 minutes on, and it was late, especially since we stayed till the end of the carnival. I suddenly heard heavy footsteps behind me. I chose to just ignore it instead of scaring my self by looking behind me. I chose to quicken my pace though. I rounded the corner of a street, still a few blocks away from my house. The footsteps got louder so I quickly slipped into the nearest alleyway. I realised that in films, alleyways is where trouble arises. However, I silently hoped that the footsteps would just belong to a person who will walk past the alleyway, and my anxiety got the better of me and I was just being paranoid and overreacting. The footsteps quieted, and I thought I was safe again. About to step out of the dark and long alleyway, the footsteps suddenly started again. My breathing hitched, my throat went dry. Praying that they would go away again. My prayer went unanswered, a dark figure suddenly appeared in a leather jacket came into my view. I could hear my heart beating as the leathered man stepped towards me with his heavy black boots. I stepped away the same time as he stepped towards me. Realising the alley wasn't as big as I hoped , as my back suddenly hit the cold bricks. Coming in to view, I noticed a crowbar in between his knuckles. For a brief moment, I wondered why it was placed in his pale hand until realisation hit me. I was in a dark alley, with a mysterious figure with a rusty crowbar, and the main issue, no one was around.
I began to panic, I opened my mouth to scream as loud as I could. I screamed "HELP, SOMEONE HELP ME" my eyes darting around in the hope of finding an escape route or a person who could help me.
"Don't even try Betty's, there's no one around, you have no one to save you"
I thought of all the things I had in my life to calm me down. Jughead. I thought of Jughead. Only hours ago I became the girlfriend of Jughead jones, and now I'm scared and crying. Thinking of him was calming my erratic heartbeat, my breathing settled. I tried to speak until a pain striked through the bottom of my leg. A scream ripped from my throat after the realisation of my leg being hit by the crow bar.
"HELP" I desperately pleaded out, but instantly winced as the figure had punched me in my stomach. I doubled over onto the floor in pain clutching my throbbing stomach.
"HELP!" I whispered in pain, obviously knowing no one would here.
"Shut it" The figure hissed before forcefully kicking me in the ribs close to were he had previously punched. I grunted in pain, realising this was happening and i wasn't going to suddenly wake up from this nightmare. The leathered figure repeatedly kicked me again, I thought of the carnival, I thought of Jughead. I faded out of the present and feel into the past. Coming back to reality as the repeated pain stopped, the figure suddenly stopped and took a small step away and spat on the floor next to my injured body
"Stay away from him" the voice said, he was angry.
But, I recognised his voice, I don't we're. I thought back to were I had. In confusion of who the voice was, I peeled my limp body of the floor and hobbled home clutching to my stomach. I reached my front door, then it hit me, I knew who it was.
Veronica POV

It was the same day as usual, nothing exciting, just normal lessons with normal practice. This wasn't a very normal place however. When I first came this town seemed so tiny so boring so, empty. Boy was I wrong. Between Archie and betty and Jason blossoms death my life has become more hectic than ever. And so I was glad to go to normal practice with Betty.

We were in the changing rooms changing into our cheerleeding outfits, Betty in front of me. She was quiet today, more than usual.  Constantly pulling down her baby pink sweater and flinching every time someone spoke. Something was wrong, something hae happened. And God dammit was I going to find out what.

"Betty?" I stepped forward, already changed into my mini skirt and top. She glanced forward to me, about to change into her own uniform. "Are you okay?"

Her fair eyebrows pulled down into a frown of confusion. "Yeah I'm fine," Betty added a smile at the end, but it was fake and her eyes were dead. Then she sighed and turned her back to me, lifting the jumper over her head.

I gasped I sprung forward to grab her slender shoulders. Looking down at the bruised mess that was her back. Rage rippled through me. Who would hurt sweet, kind, loving Betty? With open eyes and waved hair.

" V, please don't, you can't tell anyone! Please!" Betty gasped grabbing onto my hands, the look in her eyes told me she was prepared to beg. But I was too caught up in my rage to take notice.

The door slammed in Betty's face when I stormed out and into the almost empty corridors. I knew exactly who I wanted to see and I knew exactly where he would be.

The door to the store cupboard slammed under my forcefull push. Similar to the sound his body made when he fell off his tiny bed in shock.

" what the hell Veronica?!" Jughead Jones yelled from his place on the floor, pushing his hair out from his eyes. I'd never been this mad, not even about that stupid book.

"Did you know?!" I yelled, yanking him upwards by his shirt collar. Shock was clear in his eyes.

"Know what? Veronica I have no idea what you're talking about?" He pushed me off him, my bare feet slapping on the floor. I hadn't even noticed I'd forgotten my shoes until now. I sighed, blowing my chocolate brown hair from my face.

"It's Betty, she has bruises all over her back. I think she's been attacked again," and the son of the bitch who did was going to pay, I decided not to add that last bit though. Jughead face dropped.

"Last night..." He tailed of. Jughead's face turned into shock, then complete and utter anger. So he didn't know then? Well shit.
Jughead's POV

I was so fucking pissed. Not at my Betty, no. I was confused why she didn't tell me but not mad. I was pissed at the bitch who did that to her. He was going to pay.

The hallways blurred together, I was running to her. I had to know, had to know who did this to my Betts, my love.

I slammed to a stop. She was there standing in the middle of the corridor, looking so small and afraid. I would protect her, I had to protect her.

"Betty, who?" I gripped her face between my hands and brought us close. Betty's eyes were so empty so cold. That coldness fueled that fire burning within me. "Betty, tell me please, I need to protect you. I love you Betts,"

She sobbed into my chest "I can't tell you, becaue it will hurt you too much,"

I didn't care if it would hurt me, as long as the hurt stopped for her. "Tell me," I whispered. She cried out once more.

"Your dad jughead! It was your dad..."

Sorry haven't updated in awhile, but here's a long chapter
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Riverdale~ A Bughead fanfiction On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara