Chapter 4

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I loved Elizabeth Cooper.
It was a few days later and Betty could go home today. I never left her side in the hospital, but it's not like I have anywhere to go. She was still worried about having to go home to her parents. Her dad hasn't visited, we weren't surprised especially after she accused him of killing Jason blossom. I decided to take her home myself. We stood at her front door, we starred in to each other eyes but she coughed awkwardly, she obviously didn't feel the way I did about her. But suddenly she grabbed me and embraced me, she buried her head in the crook of my neck, she hugged me tighter, my smile grew bigger each second. She pulled away, I instantly felt coldness on my body. She smiled and walked in the door, she quickly turned away and said "thank you juggie, for everything, for being there these past week with me, I really appreciate it"
I smiled and replied "I'm here Betts, I'm always here" and with that she closed the door.
Betty POV
I had grew closer to Jughead this past week. He was there for me when no one else was, I mean my parents, Veronica, Kev and Archie came to visit me, but only once or twice, juggie was always there.
I walked up the stairs still smiling from my hug with Jughead when my mum walked in front of me and shouted at me "Did you come straight home? How did you get home?"
"Jughead took me, because you know your never there for me, probably trying to cover up what you did to Jason" I replied muttering the last part, hoping she wouldn't hear. Realising she had, I felt a cold hand slapped sharply on to my pink cheeks. I was shocked. I held my now red cheek whilst looking at my mums angry expression. I didn't know what to do. I ran downstairs, grabbing my handbag as i did, and fled to the one place I knew I could forgot about what just happened.
"Get back here now Elizabeth cooper!" I heard my mum shout as I slammed the front door shut.
I arrived there. Pops. The little diner restaurant that everyone loves. I was hoping he would be here. Walking in I quickly scanned the room looking for him. Spotting his scruffy hat in the corner, I ran towards him and sat next to him. Jughead. His faced showed mixed emotions. He observed my still red cheek and said sincerely "Whats wrong Betts? What happened to your face? Why are you here?" I let a tear escape from my eye, I bowed my head down in embarrassment. But then, I felt his finger lift my chin and wiped my tear away. Softly he spoke "What happened to your cheek?"
"I muttered something about her killing Jason, hoping she wouldn't hear, she did and then slapped me, I ran out the door and came here hoping you would be" I rushed out, not knowing if he could understand what I said. I looked in to his greeny blue eyes, he looked in too mine, all of a sudden we both started leaning towards each other. The next thing I felt was his warm lips touching mine.

Sorry haven't updated in a while
Also I nearly died in episode 6!!
Try update soon

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