"Yes sir!" Xaden straightened up and did a soldier salute.

Alex shook his head and sighed.


 "Lalalala...Da dae de de da laaaaaaa!!!!!!" Lia sang as they walked.

Xaden had enough. He suddenly stomped his foot and yelled, "WILL YOU STOP DOING THAT?!"

Lia jumped at his sudden harsh tone. She did stop, but she was still rocking back and forth, almost dancing. Xaden annoyingly glared.

Arian kept staring at Lia and glaring also. "WILL YOU JUST WALK LIKE A NORMAL PERSON?!" She demanded.

This time, Lia fell on her back from the shocking voice. She looked up at Arian and nervously smiled. "I'll stop now Flicker..." She said.

She jumped to her feet and made her way over to Alex where she hid behind him, glancing over at Xaden and Arian every once in a while.

Alex suddenly pointed without stopping. "The exit is right there!" He exclaimed.

The group suddenly started running. They wanted out of this place...Like, right now. As soon as they steeped onto grass, they smiled. Xaden knelt down and touched the grass. "I forgot how soft grass was..."

"Uh....Xaden?" Arian said.


"It's only been a day and a half since you've touched grass...I'm sure that has happened to you before in like, the winter or something."

Xaden shrugged. "Oh well. Whatever."

"So...What now?" Roxanne asked as she crossed her arms.

Alex gazed around. "Well, there is a secret passage that'll lead us back to town. So, if we go through there, we'll be able to go back without going all the way back inside Crystal Forest."

"Okay!" Lia agreed quickly.

"Then let's head there...."

"Ugh...More walking..." Xaden whined.

"Such it up butter cup!" Arian told him.

Xaden gave her an annoyed look. "Will you stop saying that....?"

------------------------------------------- After lots of walking later....

They approached a large, red door that was carved inside a large rock. They looked at it, wondering how to get it opened.

"Oh I think I know!" Lia knelt down and pressed her ear against the door. She knocked on it once, but stood up. "Here, do what i do!" Her hand suddenly glowed a bright white as she touched the door with it.

When everyone hesitated, Lia stopped, but her hand was still glowing. "Will you guys hurry up?!"

"We don't know how..." Alex shrugged.

Lia rolled her eyes. "It's easy! Just think of power is really the key. Now hurry up!"

They stood in front of the door, and they all thought of power...Any kind of power. Alex's hand suddenly glowed a very faint brown. He gasped with surprise.

Xaden looked down at his hand and realized it was glowing a bright blue. He lifted an eyebrow, wondering how he could do that.

Arian looked at her. "Whoa!" She tried to get away as far as possible from her red hand.

Roxanne lifted her hand up to her face as it glowed black. She made a face at it, then her face changed as she remembered something....


Six to: Save? or Slay? (Finished)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora