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In a small town in London, in the dead of night, was a woman walking down the cobblestone path. Her beauty could be compared to no other, and had an mystifying light blue hair. The dress she wore matched her hair, and crystals adorn her bust and shaped her breasts. You would think a man would  accompany her home, not wanting for another with ill intentions to happen upon her. But they never seem to notice when she was around. Children loved her thou, in fact they adore her.

The children that were previously with her had all returned home where their parents put them to bed. In the distance thunder sounded, and white flashes shone. Lighting danced across the, and if you listened hard enough, you could hear the screaming of a child frightened of the load sounds from the sky.

Rain had started to fall, but the woman, still in the street, was walking without a single drop on her.

Hearing one of the few screaming children, the woman turned and strolled up to the front of one of the many apartment-like homes. She didn't knock, or ring the doorbell, she just walked in. She did not open the door, she walk through it as if she were a ghost. Continuing her trek up the house's stairs, she came upon a room with a mother and her child in the same the bed. The father had the night shift that night, so he was nowhere to be seen. The mother was sound sleep, the storm outside having not disturbed her. The child on the other hand, a small girl, no older than six, was laying there wide awake. Her eyes scanned the room, inspecting for any signs of danger like monsters or the boogeyman.

Another clap of thunder sounded, causing the frighten girl to quietly speak, and cover her nose with the blanket that kept her warm. She felt bad already waking her mother once due to the storm, so she tried to be as quiet as possible. The blue-haired woman saw, and softly chuckled at the girl's attempt to face her fears. She then calmly walked to the side of the bed where the little girl lay, and sat down softly. The poor girl's eyes were now tightly shut in fear, causing the woman to sigh.

She truly loved children. Their innocence drove her to keep protecting them. She may not be able to help each and every child in every way until adult hood, but she could help them grow up in little, yet important ways. She rubbed her hand against the girls stomach in a soothing way, and then lifted it back up. Suddenly, she brought arm down, her hand flowing into the young girl. The little girl's eyes opened in shocked, but she didn't scream, instead she giggles. Where you would expect pain from where the woman's hand was in her stomach, there was a tickling sensation to the girl.

The woman smiles brightly at the child, and pulled her hand out. In her hand was a dark globe of light. It glowed softly as a fire fly, but was as big as an apple. She raised her other as if to receive something, and a small white light formed.  It was like a miniature star, the complete opposite of what she just had pulled out of the child. The little star floated from her hand, down to the child, and into her chest where is took shelter in her heart.

"What did you do?" The girl asked quietly, still trying not to wake her sleeping mother. "Was the storm scaring you, Mina?" The woman asked, ignoring the previous question.  "Yes." Mina answered after recovering from the shock that the woman knew her name. "How did you know my name?"

Mina was surprise that she wasn't scared of the stranger. A sense of comfort covered her like a blanket when she was near. She always saw the other children playing with her in the park, but was to shy to join them.

"Are you afraid of the storm now?" The woman asked another question as lighting flashed outside the window next to them, with thunder sounding after. Mina didn't react at all to the lighting or thunder. "No!" She said enthusiastically, but still quiet enough for the mother not to wake. "I'm glad." The woman smiled. Mina smiles sweetly back at her, ecstatic that she was no longer afraid of the storm. "Thank you Ms. Celestia!" Mina expressed her gratitude sliding off the side of the bed. "See you tomorrow Ms. Celestia!" She waved goodbye to the woman, Celestia, then ran back to her room to sleep with her stuffed animals, but also planning to join in the fun of playing with the blue woman in the morning.

Celestia giggled at the little girl's cheerfulness before looking at the dark glob in her hand grimly. She then sighed and got up  from the bed and walked out of the room. As the night went by she meet the children she played with earlier that day, and took there fear of the storm away, replacing it with a tiny star like before. When the sun started to rise, Celestia made her way from the town to a large lake in a forest nearby.

Each dark black globe that floated nearby circled around her. At the edge of the lake the water started to misbehave.  The flow of the water circled down to a point, and then opened up to a hole as black as coal. The globes drifted away from the powerful woman, and flew into the black hole of water where they were crushed into dust and then disappeared, all while the grim look on Celestia's face turn to one of relief, but with a hint of sadness.

"You won't get free today." Celestia said while rubbing her swollen stomach.  She was with child for about five months now, and she had just started to feel it kick around in her womb.
"But you could set me free." A deep voice said from the whirlpool.  She wasn't frightened, for she knew who it was. In front of her a translucent figured faded into existence. He had a wide a muscular build, and a five o'clock shadow she wanted to feel against her neck as he kiss her there like he used to, and had lushes hair that she could run her fingers through all day. "We could could be together as a family." He continued, placing a see through hand on her enlarged belly, and another on her cheek.

Celestia wanted so badly to lean into his touch, but refrained from doing so. She and the rest of her kind had a job to do. Take the fear from young children so that the evil like him couldn't take control of them, and come to their world.

"You know as much as I'd like that, I can't. We both have duties, and mine is to make sure that your people don't cause any more pain, Damian." Celestia said, moving away from his loving touch. "But you know we've changed since then." Damian pleaded. "I've changed. For you! For our child."

His words struck her heart painfully, causing tears to flow freely from her eyes. "I'm sorry, my love. I want us to be together, but light..."

"Light and dark cannot mix." He cut her off. "Then what of our child? They are that mixture! What does your master think of this?"

"H-He wants to send it to your world when they're born." She answers sadly. "No." Her lover says. "A child needs they're mother more than a father. It's staying here with you until my kind can clear our name."

"And how long will that take Damian? Weeks? Months? Years?!" Celestia cries aloud. "A baby may need a mother, but they need a father! They need you!"

Damian look upon the love of his life in sorrow. "I cannot predict that, but I promise that day will come soon."

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