Chapter 10

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   Naruto's POV
I woke up early in the morning, much earlier than I've been waking up for the past few months.

I took a cold shower and wore my black shinobi pants, black shirt and white belt. I glanced at my jacket, deciding if I should wear it or not, then turned away from it.

I walked to my desk and took the form that Sasuke left on my desk a few days ago. Or was it yesterday? I'd lost track of time.

I took a pencil and signed the form, then stuffed it in my pocket.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. Even after several months of having nothing to do but think, I still didn't know what I should do.

   When I was small, I'd always wanted to become like Jirayah-sama, traveling around the world and learning new things, or maybe even find him and ask him to train me. I thought that maybe I'd do that, but first I'd have to become a jounin. But then what should I do till then.

   I sighed again. I knew I couldn't just stay here forever, but I still don't want to do this. I shook my head and left my room quietly.

   I went to the kitchen, only to find Obito and Rin having breakfast. Obito looked up and his eyes widened a bit when he saw me, "Naruto! Good morning!" Rin looked up in surprise then smiled.

   "I'm going out." I said.

   "Won't you eat breakfast?" Obito asked.

   I hesitated then walked into the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator then pulled out the juice, I poured myself a cup and sat at the table. I ate a toast, gulped down my juice and stood up again, "I'm going out." I said again.

   Obito smiled and nodded.

   I went to Sasuke's house, I found Itachi just leaving. "Naruto-kun!" He smiled when he saw me, "I haven't seen you in a while."


   "You're here for Sasuke?"

   I nodded.

   He opened the door to call his younger brother. "Sasuke! Naruto-kun's here."

   In a minute, Sasuke was standing at the door, "Naruto?"

   I raised a hand in greeting.

   He slipped on his sandals and came out, "you're finally up and about?" He asked surprised, but I could see he was glad too.

   I shrugged.

   Itachi ruffled Sasuke's hair then mine, "I'll see you around." And he left.

   We quietly started walking to the team's meeting spot.

Sasuke peered at me curiously, "does this have anything to do with Sakura?" He asked.

I shrugged. "Maybe. Maybe not. I'm not sure."

He smiled a small smile, then frowned, I noticed his clenched fists, "are you going to participate in the chuunin exams?"

I nodded, "I am."

His smile was back and his hand relaxed, "good."

I remembered what Sakura told me about Sasuke. I wanted to ask him about it but I knew I shouldn't. I mostly decided to participate for Sasuke. I knew that if I didn't participate, he would be forced to do it whether he wanted to or not by his father, and I didn't want that for him.

When we got to the team's meeting point, we found Sakura and Kakashi there. Sakura was happy to see me. Kakashi was surprised, "Naruto! You're finally back?" I frowned, he seems different.

I shrugged.

"Good. Now that the whole team's here, do you all have your chuunin exam forms?"

I pulled the crumpled sheet out of my pocket and smoothed it out, then I handed it to Kakashi. Sasuke pulled a folded paper from his pocket and gave it to him. Sakura was the last to give it.

Kakashi eye-smiled. "I'm glad the whole team agreed to participate. Do your best."

I eyed him suspiciously. Why's he acting so weird?

"Anyways, let's go to the hokage and get today's missions."

Sakura's POV
I walked aimlessly around the village. Today was team 7's day off, it also happened to be a busy day at the hospital, which meant Tsunade-sama had to give me the day off. It was probably a coincidence, but today was also my birthday.

One would think I'd be happy to have the day off on my birthday, but I'd rather spend today with Naruto and Sasuke or with Tsunade-sama.

I sighed, I knew that my parents would celebrate it with me when they come back from work, but I still had a lot of free time till then.


I looked to my side to find Naruto. I smiled, "hi!"

Naruto smiled. It wasn't his usual smile, the one that used to be on his face the whole time, but it was still a smile. I don't know what exactly happened, but I know that something happened to him before he disappeared, and he just hadn't been the same since then. "Are you free now?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Do you wanna come eat ramen with me? It'll be on me."

My smile widened a bit and I nodded.

We went to Naruto's favorite ramen place, Ichiraku ramen.

I wondered if Naruto remembered that it's my birthday. He probably didn't, since he didn't bring it up at all, but it could always be possible...

"What do you want to have?" Naruto's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

I thought a bit then shrugged, "the same as you."

He turned to Teuchi, "I'll have two pork miso ramen please."

In two minutes, two bowls were placed in front of us. Naruto finished his bowl in less than two minutes and ate three more.

After he paid Teuchi, we walked away. "Are you going anywhere now?" He asked.

"Home," I said, since I had nowhere else to go.

He nodded, "I'll walk with you."

When we neared my home, he stopped. I turned to look at him.

"I... have something to give you," he said, taking out something from his pocket. He held out a box wrapped in pink.

I took it with surprise, unwrapped the box and opened it. Inside, there was a necklace with a Sakura pendant.

   "Do you like it?" He asked.

   "Naruto! I love it! Thank you."

   He smiled for the second time today, "happy birthday."

   The smile never reached his eyes, but somehow, it made me happier than I ever was before.

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