If I were to name out so many things that I feel so attracted to just by looking at him, i'd give you more than a million.

He looked so focused and deep in thought. I begin to lightly run my acrylic nails through the back of his hair, causing his arms to relax around me.

As he walked to i'm assuming is my worried parents, I took one of my hands and ran it across his lightly stubbled jawline. He glances down at me without saying a word. I couldn't blame him, and neither was I disappointed.

If I was in his shoes, I wouldn't know what's the right or wrong thing to say after a situation like this happened. I would've been scared as hell to even try and stop me from what I was about to do to that poor nurse back there.

If it were anyone else, I'd probably catch a case for even being near her. No sayings in how much publicity would eat that up. I gotta remind myself to remember to apologize to her as soon as I come back.

I sighed and shut my eyes, snuggling closer into Kian's chest.

"Thank you" I mumbled loud enough for him to hear.

It wasn't too long before I had fell into a deep, and much needed sleep.


My eyelids slowly opened as I yawn, awakening from a long slumber. I still laid in my bed, not wanting to get up - most likely not wanting to do anything at all.

I heard laughter outside of my closed bedroom door. It sounded very feminine, but it wasn't a girl, that laugh belonged to my dad. Everyone sees him as this big tough guy because of how built he is, and because all his manly tattoos.

Believe me when I tell you he's everything but that, he can be scary when and if needed, but he's a true softy when it comes to a certain or sensitive topic. He's a bigger cry baby than I am, and I love him for that and for who he is.

"Dude! Stop laughing like that!" I heard Kian laugh

"It's how I laugh!" My dad tries to convince him

I can tell they've probably been at this for a while now. I can already imagine my mom just rolling her eyes at them, not willing to be bothered by their conversation.

"Shut up, both of you! Lia is sleeping!" Mom hissed at the both of them

Right on cue

"He keeps making fun of my laugh!" Dad whisper yells

Please remind me why their directly outside of my bedroom door?

"Cause it's not real," Kian whispered back "he's doing it on purpose!"

"It is real, hun. I know it sounds goofy and like a screaming teenage girl at a two directions concert bu-"

"Wait." Kian cuts her off and begin to laugh "two directions?!"

"Yes, two directions. It's two directions, right" she asked

Then dad began to laugh as well "it's one direction, babe. Get hip."

I rolled my eyes at the fact that my dad just said 'get hip.' The laughing continued and shortly faded away. I'm assuming they both went downstairs.

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