Yoongi shook his head. "No, it's okay. You're interesting, trust me. Got any fun facts about yourself?"

"Well... I guess. Actually, I wear contact lenses. I usually–"

"Whoa whoa, wait. Jimin, you wear glasses?"

Jimin gulped. "Y-yes..."

The blonde teenager's eyes lit up. "I need to see you in glasses, Jimin. It's urgent."

"N-no!" Jimin quickly refused the idea, flailing his arms in panic. "Not even Jungkook or Taehyung is allowed to see me in glasses, there's absolutely no way I'd ever show you that!"

"Aww come on, why not?" Yoongi whined. "Don't even tell me that you don't like the way you look because I'm not going to listen to bullshit."

"B-but, it's true! Trust me hyung, I'm doing you a favor!"


"Jimin? Yoongi?" They both looked over in horror to see Jimin's mother staring at them with her arms crossed. "What are you two doing here? Not in school?"

Jimin sighed, standing up from the bench to walk up to his mom. "Mom, It's not what it looks like..." He whispered desperately.

She raised a brow, but got the hint and replied in a hushed tone so Yoongi couldn't hear. "You guys didn't do it already did you?"

Jimin mentally facepalmed. "Ew, mom! We're not even dating! I'm sorry I skipped, but Yoongi had a really rough night... Can you please let it slide?"

At the mention of the older boy, Mrs. Park finally dragged her stare to the sitting blonde. She furrowed her brows in concern at the sight of his scratched up face and dark eye-bags.

"Yoongi, can you come here?" He nodded, standing up and walking over to the woman with an apologetic look before bowing.

"I'm really sorry, It's my fault. I hope you're not mad at Jimin for skipping when I talked him into it."

"Oh, I'm not really mad about that." She shrugged, and Yoongi looked up in surprise. "Are you okay, dear?"

"M-me? I'm fine... Why are you asking?" Yoongi tilted his head in confusion. Mrs. Park stifled a smile.

"Your face?"

"Oh, that." He sighed. "Well, a dog scratched me is all. It's really nothing. Thanks for worrying though Mei~"

Jimin cringed. Was Min Yoongi really sucking up to his mother right now?

"Aww~" Mrs. Park cooed, gushing over the high schooler. Jimin's jaw dropped. "Okay then! Tell you what, if you both come home and let me feed you, you'll be exempted from further punishment."

"Further...?" Jimin questioned, before crying out in pain once the older woman yanked on both of their ears.

"Mhm! I'm sure you'll both need the energy after I drag you all the way there like this." She smirked deviously, and Jimin gaped at her in shock.

"You're evil! So evil!"

"Would you rather me ground you from seeing your friends for a week?"

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