Chappi 14

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     I was flying through the forest it had been 2 years since I left father. "I miss you daddy," I whispered to the nearly silent woods. Having learnt about nature I assumed that some wild animal was on the prowl for food. Only a month ago I had been taken in by the Atieno's. Thankfully they were very friendly and understood when I needed to be alone. Suddenly a branch snapped breaking me from my thoughts. I stopped flying and hovered there. The precense I sensed was not dangerous, but scared. Slowly a light brown wolf crept forwad. "Its okay," I said looking into her frightened eyes. Calmly I began to sing

" I can feel your pain
I understand the hurt
But it's okay
As long as we stick together
Nothing can break you apart
Though you are sad
Think of the fun we could have

The she-wolf then began to wag her tail happily. I smiled as she shifted into a girl with light green eyes and blonde hair. She wore a pretty short strapless dress. "Hi I'm Stella! Thank you for singing that beautiful song to me!" she said cheerfully. "I'm Angeni and it's no big deal. Sometimes music just heals the pain we want to forget or hide," I joked. She laughed and we began to enjoy our time together.

     "So you live here?" I asked. "Well yes. My pack abandoned me,"she said sadly. "Nope I won't have that!" I yelled and dragged her to my home. "Your staying at my place tonight!" I demanded. She giggled and we entered my home. "Mother! Father! This is Stella, she's staying the night!" I said in a tone my parents couldn't refuse. "Okay sweetie, don't stay up too long!" my mother responded. "okay! Okay! No need to yell," he chuckled. "This way Stella!" I cheered and pulled her up the stairs. I had Stella sit down on my beanbag as I went to find Dante. 'DANTE COME HERE!' I yelled through my mind and  suddenly he was right next to me. "Yes?" he asked. "I have somebody I want to meet!" I cheered and pulled him into my room. "Stella! This is my amazing brother Dante! Dante this is my new awesome friend Stella!" I introduced. "Hi Dante it's nice to meet you," she said calmly. "Nice to meet you too Stella," he whispered. "Alright then! Lets play a game!"

~time skip
2 hours later~

     Stella and Dante became really good friends. So we decided to play truth or dare. "Dante! Truth or Dare?" I questioned. "Truth!" he answered. "How much do you love me?" I asked because I wanted to hear him say it. "To the moon and back sis," He responded. "Awww" Stella and I cooed. "I love you that much too brother!" I cheered. 'Now ask Stella' I demanded through the mind link thingy. "Stella truth or dare?" he asked. "Truth!" she responded excitedly. "How did you meet Angeni?" he questioned. Her answer was so remarkable I cried. She told us about being abandond and alone for 2 years. She explained why she was left there and how she survived. Then finally she explained how we met. "I thought she was an Angel," Stella explained. "I thought she was gonna take me away and she did. She allowed me to be happy and free from the pain. Just by singing a song and getting to know me. So geni-Chan I say your name fits you! Your the dark Angel that brought light into my world," she finished. I began to cry and tackled her into a hug. "Stella! That was beautiful!" I exclaimed while hugging her. "Indeed it was!" mom and dad said together. "Alright kids time for bed. In the morning will have a big breakfast in your honor Stella!" my mom cheered. "Yay!" the three of us cheered together as they left. "Goodnight guys!" I called while turning off the lights. "Good night!" Stella called as Dante said "night."

~The present~

     Dante and I have been friends with her ever since.

(Hey peeps! Sorry I haven't been writing. I had a major case of writers block. :( any who I hope you enjoyed the chappi!)

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