Chapter 4

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Hey everyone are you liking the story so far? Also I'd like to thank the internet for these pics I use. ; )

Shelia's Pov

"WHAT!?" I screamed as my parents told me I had siblings. "W-wait let me get this straight I-I have a older sister and a younger brother?" I questioned. Yumi replied "yes Angeni and Dante." "Angeni the... pop star?!" "Y-yes, but we adopted her" Cian said. "and both of them don't know they have siblings, right?!"
Cian sighed "nope they don't know." "I gotta meet them!" I said. "Well your sister is attending cross academy" Yumi said. "Can you guys please transfer me" I said on the verge of screaming. "Fine you ca..."Cian said. I interrupted dad and screamed "YES!, thank you so much, YAY!"

~Time skip brought to you by my laziness~

Angeni's Pov

"Hey" a voice called. I turned around to see Shiki. "Uh hi Shiki" I said nervously. "Why are you up, it's too early" he said emotionlessly. "Oh um well I couldn't sleep so I was going to play a song."I said shyly. "Well then play it." he said. "Ok" I whispered. I sang Dark Night as I played the piano.

Dark Night

" It was a night
So dark and lonely
So cold outside
In the dark abandoned
With no one by my side
I held on tight
For dear life
And I stayed alive
Watching people flow past me
Realzing I'm so lonely
All alone
Will it be that way forever
I won't allow it
I'll be hanging on for you
Just don't leave me
And I'll stay by your side
Please just
Don't leave

As I finished playing and singing I looked at Shiki and smiled. Our eyes connected and he whispered "I'm sorry." my smile turned into a frown as I asked "for what?" "I...I, nevermind" he mumbled. I looked at him confused and as I passed him on the way out I said "good night" and kissed him on the cheek.

Shiki's Pov

"Night " I replied. I looked at my chest w-what is this feeling... c-could t-this be love? I questioned myself. Is that even possible, I've never felt feelings as strong as this one befor. What is wrong with me? I questioned myself. Oh whatever I'll just sleep it off, but what of it dosen't go away? Ugh no more questions I need to sleep I thought as I went into me and Takuma's room.

Angeni's Pov

I can't believe what I just did I've been here for a week and I've already kissed two boys! (Only on the cheek everyone just needs to calm down) which one do I like though? Their both really cute. What do I do someone help I thought as I heard a knock on the door...

Sorry to stop it here guys I wanted a bit of suspense, who do you think it is?

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