"Well you should know by now that most of my teammates are assholes. Including your brother probably. Although I don't know if I should be telling you that." He said and gave me a wicked smile. "For what's worth, I think it's a great idea." He added, seriously this time.

"Really?" I stopped walking and turned to look at him.

"Really. I hope it works out. If it doesn't you're always invited to play with us."

"I'm not sure the rest of your team would be so welcoming." I said.

"You're right, probably not." He said, scratching his head. "We can play one on one then." He suggested. And I felt there was something in the way he said it. But maybe it was just wistful thinking. When I didn't say anything he patted my back, as he said: "Alright Livvie, good luck.", and then started to walk away.


"I'm telling you it's true. Demis told me."

"I don't care if it's true Samantha. It doesn't have anything to do with me!"

Sam gave me a pointed look. "Yeah right. So how does this look on me?" She asked me. She was wearing her favorite pair of jeans and was trying on tops from my closet.

"It looks great." I said about the one-shouldered black top she was wearing. "Like all the previous ones."

"You are no help." She sighed, trying on yet another top. "What are you wearing?"

I looked down at my clothes and then at her.

"You wore that to school." She said flatly.

"Listen, I was thinking, we don't have to go."

"He invited you!"

"He was being polite. I mean... my own brother forgot to invite me to his party. At our house."

Sam laughed. "I'm not sure he forgot. He just wishes you were still five."

"No kidding. We could go out. Call Helen and Audrey and make it a girls night out."

"Helen and Audrey are going to the party. And so am I! C'mon you have to come! I need you. Otherwise what are you gonna do, lock yourself in your room all night while everyone else is outside your door?"

She had a point. Since the party was happening at my house it would be kind of hard to skip it while staying in the house. Maybe I should go for a four hour walk. Or back to back movies at the cinema.

"C'mon Liv. I'm telling you James broke up with Daphne, it's over. And I think he broke up with her for you."


"Cool party." James said, approaching me.

"Yeah, thanks for inviting me." I said as he sat down next to me on the porch and we both laughed.

"Your brother is... something else." He said and I nodded. "So, your house is cool. And your room's nice."

"You've been in my room?" I turned to look at him.

"Yeah it's the designated coat room. I mean for now. Ask me again in half an hour."

"Agh, I should go lock the door." I said and started to stand up.

"How about that one on one first?" He asked and pointed at the football by the door. When I didn't say anything he continued: "I'm sorry the girls' team didn't work out."

"You're probably the only one." I said as I leaned on the porch balcony.

"They're idiots for not doing it."

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