Legendary Knights X RWBY Volume 1 Chapter 10

Start from the beginning

Jester: *snore* "O-oh what was that I couldn't hear you to the sound of how "BORED" I am.

As we were about to enter the Library we saw Weiss come out of there holding the journal I gave her she looked quite absorbed to it so I decided to greet her

Y/n: "Hey Weiss!" I said in a cheerful tone

Weiss: *gasp* "O-oh Y/n it's just you what are you doing here?"

Jester: "I'm right here too you know!"

Weiss continued to ignore Jester's presence and continued to acknowledge mine

Y/n: "So Weiss what have you been up to lately."

Weiss: "Nothing much but I actually need to talk to you about something privately."

Y/n: "Can it wait me and Jester need to Review about aura manipulation and conservation."

Weiss: "I'll give you the answers since I took the quiz already it's really important."

Y/n: "Ok fine, Jester let's go."

Weiss: "Actually I only need you."

Jester: "Ok ok its cool I'll just be in the library studying alone."

I sighed at this knowing he wanted something

Y/n: "Ok fine here but you better clean up." I said as I gave him some Lien to buy some pizza

Jester: "Pleasure doing business with you my friend."

Me and Weiss walked behind the school and sat behind a big tree

Y/n: "Ok what is it Weiss?"

Weiss: "Its about your last name."

Y/n: "Wait you already found it cool! Thanks Weiss." I said as I hugged her tightly but gently at the same time

~Weiss's pov~
He's hugging me oh god I think I'm blushing but I couldn't help it I love him so much so does my team keep it together Weiss focus you need to tell him about his last name I said in my head

Weiss: "A-anyway your last name is Avalon."

Y/n: "Avalon? Y/n Avalon I kinda like it what about Jester?"

Weiss: "His last name is Claudius."

Y/n: "Ok thanks again you've done so much for me I really appreciate your help."

Weiss: *blushes* "I-its fine really, but there's something you should know your father and Jester's father have made enemies."

Y/n: "Well that's understandable they were heroes back them."

Weiss: "Yeah but the enemies they've made people would consider them nightmares and apparently they were also protectors of a artifact four to be more specific."

Y/n: "Well what are the artifacts?"

Weiss: "I don't know but in the journal they apparently gave the artifact to four different people in remnant and it didn't say who they were."

Legendary Knights (Reader x RWBY) Volume 1 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now