6. today's gonna be too near

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After an hour long set, I'd lost Finn somewhere in the crowd that had gathered, and I stood talking to a couple of lads, Johnsy and Harry, that I used to be mates with.

Johnsy hooked his arm over mine and Harry's shoulders in a drunken embrace as he started belting out one of Liam's songs.

"Are you seeing Finn Monovan?" Harry asked me, purposely getting his surname wrong.

"Yeah, why?"

"Boring cunt, him," he said, taking a puff of his fag.

"I think he's a nice lad," I defending him, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Or yeah, he's a fuckin lovely lad," he said, getting himself out of Johnsy's embrace. I let Johnsy remain over my shoulder as it seemed that he needed some support. "But he's boring as owt now. Like you're one of the maddest cunts I know, and he used to be when he was about 16/17. Then he got a job and he just all about fags and pints now."

From the corner of my eye, I seen Liam bounding over to me. The cocky, snarky grin that usually made itself at home on his cheeks was replaced with a genuine excited beamer.

"Y'alright duck?" I asked him as his arm replaced Johnsy's on my shoulders, and he walked me over to the bar.

"I'm fuckin mint," he laughed, running his hand through his sweaty hair.

"You's were dead good, bless," I told him with a laugh, pushing his arm off my shoulders. He ordered us both a gin and tonic, and proposed that we get plastered.

"I can't, mate," I told him with a frown, "I'm with Finn, and I was planning on going back with him, so I don't wanna get too pissed."

"Oh shit yeah," he remembered, nodding his head in understanding, "where's he at like?"

"Dunno, I lost him."

Conveniently, he came running up to me, panic-stricken with glazed eyes.

"Holl," he said quickly, putting his hand on my arm briefly and then pushing his hand through his hair, "I really need to go, my brother's just been hospitalised. Heroin overdose or somet."

"Oh my god," I said, my mouth dropping in shock, "D'ya want me to come with ya, or would you be better on your own?"

"No, I best go on my own, I'll be meeting my mum there," he told me, "You still have a good night though, yeah?."

"Alright, let me know if he's okay," I said, as he briefly hugged me and he nodded and basically sprinted out of the bar after saying bye to me and Liam.

I shared a look with Liam.

"Shiiite," he said, letting out a huff, "dirty stuff heroin like."

"Aye," I agreed, and looked up at him.

"Eyar, mate," Liam said to the bartender as he had just started to pour the gin into our glasses, "Will you make those doubles?"

All of a sudden, we were joined by Liam's brother as he walked up to the bar, immediately easing the tension. He patted Liam on the shoulder and Liam wrapped his arm over Noel's shoulder as they greeted each other.

"Alright dickhead?" Liam said with that cocky grin of his again.

"Alright kid," his brother replied.

"Eyar, this is Holly," Liam pointed to me, "I think you met her earlier."

"Oh yeah, you were with Finn Monovan," he said with a smile, "So, are you his new bird then or wha?" He asked, pointing to the left of him at his kid brother.

English Rose      -       liam gallagher ficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora