"I've had some practice recently." She said, a grin on her face and her eyes glinting. In the times she was alone, she would practice taking possession of objects, small ones at first, then larger ones like tables and trees. She sifted her hands and the tables lunged towards her trainer, trapping him against the wall. she kept her hands in the position, making him stay there despite his struggling.

"What the hell!" He exclaimed.

A woman walked up to him. "Honestly, you're such a weakling, to be trapped there by her." She said, looking at her guildmate with disdain. She had long musky brown hair, similar to Freed's, and bright blue eyes. "If you're here, then my dear April must be too."

"I'm right here, mother." April said, walking up and standing on the other side of Laxus.

"There you are darling." She walked up close to April, almost close enough to touch, "I was so worried about you when you left."

April gritted her teeth. That was a lie, she always told lies. "Like hell you were." She said, her voice changed from her usual shy softness to a hard sharp voice, the one she usually used when stopping Voodoo and Melody from fightning, it shocked most of the guild, due to them never really seeing this side of her.

Her mother looked taken aback. "How dare you speak to your mother, and trainer, like that!" She said, she attempted to take a step forwards, but she found that she couldn't. "Wha-" she looked down, seeing that her feet were stone.

"I'm not your puppet." April said. "And I've had some practice in the recent month too."

"So I see."

Something burst through the ceiling, and everyone looked over to see Finny holding down a man with black hair and silver eyes.

"I see you've advanced on you're dragon transformation." He said.

"With no help from you." Finny growled, he made his wings disappear and he changed his hand into a large clawed dragon ones.

"Have you improved Melody?" Another man asked, ginger haired rested neatly on the top of his head, and onyx colored eyes staring down at the girl. "I see you've gotten a new outfit."

Melody looked at him through narrow golden eyes, fire engulfing her hands. Her trainer just smiled, fire engulfing his hands too.

"You four go on ahead." Mira told them, stopping Melody from attacking. "You know where the others are."

The four looked at her and nodded, all moving away from their trainers and running past most of the guild, into a hallway and past doors as the guilds behind them started to battle against each other.

"They should be right in here!" Finny exclaimed, kicking the door opened and looking inside, being tackled by someone.

"Finny!" A voice exclaimed. "Thank heaven you guys came!" Finny pushed the person off and looked at Kayla, who was standing in front of him, a wide smile on her face and her eyes bright.

"We would never leave you behind." Melody said.

"You're family." April whispered.

Melody looked at her, "Yeah, and family never gets left behind."

Kayla was quiet for a minute, then her smile widened, "I hear fightning, so why don't we join in the fight?" She asked. "I've waited a long time to do this." She smiled and her hands sparked, haveing been freed from the spell coasted on the room.

"I'm itching to kick some butt." Gray said, walking out of the room with the other three, a cold mist surrounding him. "I have some payback to give."

A New Life (FairyTail) (Complete) (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now