"Thank you, for letting me stay here. Hope I didn't cause any trouble."

"No problem." Jerami nods

"There was no trouble at all." Alison assures

"We'll show you to your room" she motions for me to follow, I do so.

As they chat away and I follow them, I looked around the rooms that we had walked passed or through. Everything was nicely furnished and neat. That had reminded me of how junkie mines and Jc's house was, this causes me to release a small chuckle but I had covered it up just in time with a cough.

I walked upstairs as I follow Alison, not knowing where Cecilia's dad just went.

"Here's your room," she smiled as she opened a door "it's the guest room and this is the only time I got to use it since we just moved in not too long ago."

"Thank you" I nod after walking in to look around the rolm

It just looked like any ordinary room, nothing about it seemed boring or empty.
I drag my suitcase and sat it down next to the bed.


"Is Cecilia here?" I blurt out

She shook her head "she's at the hospital"

My eyes widened and it felt like my heart dropped "is everything okay? What happened? Is she si-"

"No, silly, she's fine." She assures me

I let out a small sigh of relief before starting at her with a confused expression.

"Why is she there? If you don't mind me asking."

She frowned "her grandpa is sick. She's been in and out of there for 2 weeks now, but she hasn't been home for two days now."

"Damn." I mutter

"Yeah, but we're gonna go pick her up and drag her back home. Feel free to join" She offers

"Sounds great." I smiled at the thought of seeing Cecilia

I can't imagine how she must feels right now. I wish and hope the best for her grandpa.

"I argued with Jer about letting you stay in the say room with Lia, but he refused on it and said anything could happen." Alison rolled her eyes

"Lia?" I questioned

"Cecilia. It's her nickname that we use for her." She explains, and I nod in response.

"I mean, what dad would trust a guy sharing a room with his daughter? Plus, he kind of scares me" I let out a nervous chuckle

She shook her head "you don't have to be afraid of him. He can't even look at a puppy without crying."

"Seriously? It's hard to believe he has a soft spot when he's looks so-" I cut myself short as I remember I was talking about Cecilia's dad and that this is my first time meeting her parents.

I wouldn't wanna end up black and blue after a first impression.

"What?" She smirked "mean? Tough? Intimidating? Trust me, once you get to know him, he's honestly nothing but a sweetheart and a crybaby."

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