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A/n: I honestly like Keana sm, it's gonna be hard breaking her heart in this story lmao

- Monday March 29th, 11;45 p.m -

CamilaCabello: sorry lern I barely saw your messages

CamilaCabello: and yea Keana and I hung out

CamilaCabello: we ran into each other and we went for lunch

LaurenJauregui: I didn't even know you and Keana knew each other like that.

LaurenJauregui: I didn't even know she was in Miami.

CamilaCabello: we don't, well we didn't, but she just asked me out and I said yes

CamilaCabello: wow that sounded bad

CamilaCabello: she asked me out as friends

LaurenJauregui: lol that's nice.

LaurenJauregui: you guys blew up the internet lmao.

CamilaCabello: I haven't even been on social media all day, other than posting a few tweets

CamilaCabello: speaking of social media

CamilaCabello: are you ever gonna follow me again on Instagram again?

LaurenJauregui: lol no

CamilaCabello: but whyyyyyyy?

CamilaCabello: you know how dumb I look following you while you unfollowed me?

CamilaCabello: why did you unfollow me anyways?

LaurenJauregui: one question at a time geez calm down.

LaurenJauregui: and because if I follow you again every camren shipper is gonna freak the fuck out

LaurenJauregui: and yeah you do look pretty dumb, but you should be used to that by now.

LaurenJauregui: and because I was drunk and upset ¯\_()_/¯

CamilaCabello: okay first of all, true

CamilaCabello: second of all, RUDE WTF OUCH

CamilaCabello: third of all, wow, so you think about me when you're drunk huh?😏😏

LaurenJauregui: god stop being a fuck girl for four minutes please.

CamilaCabello: sorry, not sorry

LaurenJauregui: lol

LaurenJauregui: so are you and Keana gonna hang out again?

CamilaCabello: uh maybe why?

LaurenJauregui: I was just asking.

LaurenJauregui: did she ask you out or did you ask her out?

CamilaCabello: uh she asked me, then I asked her to come to lunch today, then she asked me to dinner tomorrow

LaurenJauregui: dinner???

LaurenJauregui: like a date????

CamilaCabello: no, I don't think so

CamilaCabello: if it was a date she would've said it was a date right?

LaurenJauregui: Camila, I don't know.

LaurenJauregui: well do you think it's a date?????

CamilaCabello: idk ¯\_()_/¯

LaurenJauregui: well do you want it to be a date?????

CamilaCabello: why r you asking me so many questions?

LaurenJauregui: I'm just curious.

LaurenJauregui: so do you want it to be a date or?

CamilaCabello: um I didn't really think about that till now

CamilaCabello: I don't think so?

LaurenJauregui: well it's either yes or no Camila.



LaurenJauregui: I'm not pressing you.

CamilaCabello: wait, would it bother you if it was a date???

LaurenJauregui: why would it bother me?

CamilaCabello: you know cause I'm your ex and Keana's like one of your close friends.

LaurenJauregui: Camila, I don't care if you guys date.

CamilaCabello: are you sure?

CamilaCabello: I mean I don't even think I want it to be a date

CamilaCabello: I mean i don't think I'm ready to date other people idk

LaurenJauregui: why?

CamilaCabello: cause I don't really feel like getting hurt ¯\_()_/¯

LaurenJauregui: what makes you think Keana would hurt you?

CamilaCabello: I don't necessarily think she would hurt me, I just feel like every relationship I get myself into is doomed

LaurenJauregui: wow why?

CamilaCabello: ¯\_()_/¯

CamilaCabello: whelp its past my bedtime

CamilaCabello: goodnight lern 💗

LaurenJauregui: goodnight Camila.

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