Rare XII

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Let's Take a moment of silence for the picture above^^, Mama is Slaying, don't expect much from this chapter it's just a filler till the real events starts off.

Lana POV

I hid my face in his back blushing like crazy, I could feel my cheeks all puffed up.

"Well, well, well look at who is up and hopping (on that dick)" Sky smiled popping her p's, I pop my head around his back pursing my lips at her then ducking back into his back.

"EVERY MUTHAFUCKING TIME I TRY TO GET SOME, SOMEBODY POP UP OR INTERRUPT can I get some juicy pussy in peace" Chris snarled at Sky and Teo, and even though he had spoken lowly I'm sure that everyone in the building heard him.

Chris vulgar words made me blush, he technically said my pussy was juicy which made me do a inner dance.

"Calm down dude, that's what the bedroom for not the hospital" Teo stated walking towards us pulling me from behind Chris and giving me a bear hug which had my feet off the ground and in the air, their strength always seem to amaze me

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"Calm down dude, that's what the bedroom for not the hospital" Teo stated walking towards us pulling me from behind Chris and giving me a bear hug which had my feet off the ground and in the air, their strength always seem to amaze me.

As soon as Teo let me go, sky attack me to the ground squeezing me tightly "You're really okay" She seem to recover from her joke from earlier instead turning gloomy and sad. 

I rub her hair like a little child, she so petite that she could be a child "I'm okay Blue" I pat her hair, I am not a huggy person but she's so adorable.

I looked up to see Teo smiling and Chris rolling his eyes, He's even jealous of sky so damn possessive.

"Okay Get off her now" Chris helped us up tucking me back under his arm and pushing sky away. 

"You're such a meanie" Sky sniffle walking into Teo's open arms, making me punch Chris arm which in return he stick his tongue out at me.

Chris lead me to the chair sitting me on his lap while Teo and Sky sit opposite of us. "Are you ready to go home?" Sky quickly got started on the questions.

"I'm so ready girl, I am so tired and I need to process everything in a place that I actually like which is not the hospital" I may own a practice but I hate being in the hospital which is why I stick with something a little smaller.

Sky and I continued chatting back and forth until the doctor, he was a older man maybe 45 with graying hair and these bold gray eyes "Well, I see that you're up and running, I'm just going to do a little checkup just to make sure that you're well enough to leave" His tone was smoothing and he smiled at me which made me feel like I was floating.

Sky and I continued chatting back and forth until the doctor, he was a older man maybe 45 with graying hair and these bold gray eyes "Well, I see that you're up and running, I'm just going to do a little checkup just to make sure that you're well ...

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"Baby Girl this is Dr.Matt, Dr.Matt this is Alana" Chris introduced us causing us to shake hands and as soon as our hands touch I relaxed.

"Nice to meet you Alana, This one here has been talking about you A LOT" He ruffle Chris head while I stared at him in awe.

"How did you do that?" I asked him referring to his smoothing trick. He moved towards me starting his checkup telling me to say 99 while he check my breathing.

"I'm a Paz, I'm a peacemaker literally but my ability only go so far, I can help people find peace but only in small situations" He replied causing me to squeal.

I'm a wolf and now a Matist(from what I just found out) I don't know anything about us or any other species which sucks, It seem like Chris read my mind because he turn to me and smile before stating "I'll teach you everything you want to and desire to know" His peck my forehead.

"Alright you're good, you can just leave Chris already checked you out. I wish you the best and Chris call me if you need me" Dr.Matt give Chris a look then left, I didn't even get to say thank you.

I quickly got off Chris and grab the stuff that Chris had bring for me, I grabbed sky hand and basically ran down the hall. That's how excited that I was to get the fuck out of these damn hospital and I don't even know where I'm going but somehow I found the exit door.

I happily dragged her out the hospital exit/entrance door preparing to skip into the field when she dragged me back "Slow down Lana" She breathe out.

I look around for the car, then I spotted the  Cadillac Escalade and happily skip to it, I assume that this was the car but I really just guess and I know Teo would drive this to the hospital.


I hopped out the car and up the stairs, straight to the room jumping on the big bed yawning as the bed caught me. 

"So Soft, So fluffy, So GOOD" I moaned at the best feeling in the world which is my damn bed.

"You wanna know what else could be so good" Chris muttered in a low voice. His sexy ass voice send a shiver down my spine but I paid him no mind this bed was too good right now.

I felt a weight on top of me, I started wiggling "Chris stop, you playing so much wolf" I squirm around feeling his hair all off me.

Chris lower his head to my ear and whispered "You like this wolf hair, and from what I remember you were pulling on it while I was licking that  >^.^<. "He moved his hands down my body until he reached my side.

"Don't you dear" I put on my best mean mug but inside I was really laughing.

He look at me innocently "Don't I dear what? You mean this?" He started to tickle my sides which made me laugh and scream.

"SKY HELP ME!!" I screamed laugh, I know her ass heard me with her enhanced hearing her ass was letting me suffer.

"I give, I give" I screamed at him while laughing till tears came down my cheeks 

"Say I Submit" He smirked at me

"Never! Blue" I yelled again, when I see her Imma beat her small ass

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"Never! Blue" I yelled again, when I see her Imma beat her small ass.

"Say IT" He growled at me, licking and sucking on my neck. He must not want me to submit because chillllld, I am a INDEPENDENT BLACK WOMAN and I don't submit.

As if he was reading my mind he gave me a look that said "We'll see what you say when I make you submit to this dick"

I wrapped my legs around his waist and tried to flip us over but to my small shock he just wouldn't move.

I whined and strained to move us, "Chris, just give in man. Let me have this win."

He rolled us over making me scream with accomplishment "Thanks baby" I peck his lips and hop off him running toward the door screaming:

"Catch me if you can" 


Y'all I written this like 1 week ago and have had it sitting here trying to add to it but I'm stuck, I know what I want to do just don't know how to put it into to words, and I don't want to keep dragging it on. 

This chapter was uneventful but I still hope you enjoy it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2018 ⏰

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