Your date

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Leonard snart

Lenny took you to his favorite diner it looked rough around the edges on the outside,Len had assured this was the best steak house in whole of central city. When he took you inside you were pleasantly suprised at the charming little sight. He took your coat and sat down in a booth.. You talked for hours.. you ate the food well you only ate the fries because you found out.. you dont like steak.. Leonard was a bit suprised about that one..All together you had fun and you really bonded. He was very funny.. sarcastic..with a dry and dark sense of humor. After the date he payed and walked you home like a real gentleman.. There would definetly be a second date..

Mick Rory

You dressed up in a cute flowy dress.. and wanted to look as attractive as possible for him.. so when you walked to your meeting point which was the central city fountain located in the park.. You saw him in his casual clothes and as you greeted him with a hug which was quite awkward he had looked at you strangely. but nevertheless he complimented you on your girly outfit. You didnt know where you would be going but to your suprise you ended up in a old dusty bar eating spareribs and fries.. it was delicious but not what you were used too.. You talked alot literally.. Mick was just watching you with a smirk as he occasionally talked when you asked him a question.. As the evening went on he became more loose and took over the talking bit.. Turned out he really could use that friend or more..hours passed and around two he walked you to the door and he kissed your cheek awkwardly..a slight grunt.. as you said your goodbyes you went inside.. Feeling a piece of paper in your pocket.. you took it out and read it.. it was his phone number.

Mick Rory And leonard Snart Preferences and imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now