He leaned against the wall and folded his arms across his chest. I saw his eyes travel to the bag. I zipped my jacket up and gripped the strap of the bag, slinging it onto my shoulder.

''Where are you going? It's almost twelve o'clock.'' He said. 

''I have to go drop theses clothes off by Javier,'' I said, gesturing towards the duffle bag. ''He needs them as soon as his flight lands.''

''Shouldn't they be in clothing bags?'' Cody asked. I eyed him boredly. His suspiciousness is annoying and I haven't had to lie this frequently since I was in high school.

''Dude, they're clothes and they're in a bag, what does it matter? Just make sure the kitchen is clean by the time I get back.'' I told him. I opened the front door, leaving the house and making sure to lock the door behind me.

I climbed into my car and tossed the bag onto the passengers seat. Running a stressed hand through my hair I rested my head on the steering wheel for a minute.

Just thinking about what I had to go do right now brought back memories of the first time this took place. That made me sick to my stomach. This entire situation made me sick to my stomach.

"I thought this was done with. You told me you took care of this. I swear-I just. I can't do this Javier." I confided in him, running a very timid hand through my hair to try and ease the emotions I felt right now.   

''I don't want to see them, let alone give them my money. I worked hard for my money, they don't deserve a penny of it. They've done nothing for me. They abandoned me!'' I yelled.

I picked something up. I don't know what it was, maybe a remote, maybe my new expensive phone I just bought, and without a second thought it was being hurled to the wall.

Javier’s strong arms restrained me from grabbing anything else as he basically bear hugged me. Telling me to calm down. Telling me to stop losing my shit and to be strong.

Being strong is much easier said than done. I've used nearly all of my strength to get where I am in life right now and they're just trying to take it away.

Why me? Why me again? Didn't this world have enough fun fucking with  me the first time?

''I did handle it. But it just isn't so black and white Damien. Your Mother agreed to the arrangement with little to no convincing but your Father was a difficult bastard to sell.

My lawyers struck an agreement with him that we'd pay them a decided amount of money every six months for every year that Cody is in your custody until he turns eighteen and for that they won't do anything stupid like call the cops and tell them we kidnapped their fifteen year old son.'' Javier explained.

He released me, his larger frame roughly throwing mine into a nearby chair. He looked me in the eyes, his gaze silently begging me to pull it together.

But I couldn’t. I couldn't wrap my head around why I had to deal with them again. I didn't even consider them my parents anymore. They were just people to me and barely even that. They didn't deserve to be called parents. They weren't in any way, shape, or form parents to me.

''I apologize deeply to you for how this played out. I know you wanted nothing to do with them after getting your brother back. But that's what this is about now Damien. It's about your brother, and doing whatever it takes to get him away from them if that's what you think is in his best favor.

You may hate that you have to do this, that you have to revisit your past to provide a better future for your brother. But trust me Damien, this is something to pull strength from, not to concave in your weaknesses. You can do this. And you have no choice but to do this for Cody. Just give them the money Damien, there's plenty more where it came from. And if you don't want to pay them I will.'' Javier spoke.

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