You're Not Happy Now

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"Let me go or I'll kill her," she threatened.

"We all know you need her alive to preform the spell," Perrie said. "You're bluffing."

"Do you honestly think I would give my life just to keep this girl alive," she tightened her grip on me.

"Perrie," Jade spoke. "She's not bluffing."

"You can go," Lauren said. "But release Camila first."

Jesy let me go and I collapsed to the floor, breathing for air. She took off and no one raced after because they were to busy focusing on me.

Lauren ran towards me and held me in her arms as I continued to breath heavily. This whole situation had given me and anxiety attack.

"Camila," Lauren whispered. "You're going to be okay."

Hearing her voice finally made me feel calm and gave me this warm protective feeling. I looked into her beautiful emerald green eyes and caressed her face gradually.

"I'm okay," that's all I could say.

Lauren smiled and passionately connected our lips together, which I was not opposed to. For a few seconds I completely forgot what had just happened, but Ally reminded me by clearing her throat, signaling for us to stop.

Lauren shot her a look of annoyance and I just giggled. Then I looked towards Perrie and Jade and the rest of the loving people around me.

"How did you guys know where we're," I asked curiously.

"We were following you," Perrie said. "The moment we were able to pick up on your scent we thought we should watch you and keep an eye out for Jesy and Leigh-Anne."

"Speaking of Leigh-Anne," Jade walked over to her unconscious body.

I looked over at Lauren, who was smiling at me, but it didn't last long. Her smile quickly turned into a face of anger as she looked over to Hayley.

"Hayley!" She shouted. Lauren ran over to her and I followed. Hayley was sweating like crazy, and her eyes kept flashing from pitch black to her normal brown eyes every second.

"What's wrong with her?" I asked.

"It's the werewolf venom," Perrie noted. "Jesy must have bitten her."

"Please there has to be a cure," Lauren cried out.

"There may be one," Jade said. "But it's never been tested."

"What is it!" Lauren screamed.

"We'll need a witch, and Camila's blood." Jade said.

"Dinah call Lu-"

"Already on it," Dinah interrupted.

Lauren looked at me with sad puppy eyes. I could tell she didn't want to ask me for my blood so I answered for her. "I'll do it Lauren."

She smiled and looked back down at Hayley, whom you could tell was is agonizing pain.

"Please Lauren," she begged. "Make it stop."

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