Chapter 25

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*Patsy's POV*

I was in pure bliss. It still felt surreal. I heard them enter and Delia was the first to burst through the door. She stopped right away and just had a smile plastered across her face. She practically ran to my bedside.

'We have a daughter' I smiled as I kissed her lips, 'Can we call her Hope?' I asked her.

'Of course we can Darling!' she said, still goofily smiling.

We were still smiling at each other and Hope- Both of us in pure bliss. Then Trixie cut in.

'Well, We better cut the cord and there is the afterbirth to deal with too.' Trixie said, ruining the moment. Delia cut the cord.

Suddenly I felt the worst pain in my lower abdomen and I let out a bloodcurdling scream. I felt blood escape my body. I saw Trixie's worried look but couldn't exactly make out what she was saying. I saw Delia hand Hope over to Trixie and then Delia bolting out the door. I must have preeclampsia.

Carrying Delia's baby (Patsy and Delia)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora