Chapter 24

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*Delia's POV*

I ran as fast as my two legs would carry me. I ran to the clinic as I knew he was there. I bolted in the door.

'I need Doctor Turner' I gasped.

I saw Phyliss approach me.

'Whatever is the matter dear?' She asked me.

'Patsy...Bleeding...Baby...Extreme Pain' I mumbled, unable to form a proper sentence.

'Oh dear. You poor girl. I will fetch Doctor Turner right away. Take a seat.' She said as she forced me to sit down.

It felt like forever when I finally saw Doctor Turner arrive.

'Come with me Nurse Busby. You can explain on the way. From the sounds of it this seems to be quiet serious' He said while walking for the exit.

I followed him to his car and got in.

'Now, what is wrong with Nurse Mount?' He asked, revving the car into life.

'When her father came to fetch myself and Trixie she was left at home alone. We didn't make it back in time. Everything seemed in perfect order and she has a beautiful baby girl but then all of a sudden she began screaming in pain... and blood, so much blood. There was also no sign of the placenta.'

I see... Most likely preeclampsia.' He stated.

We drove in silence and I needed my Pats. I just prayed her and Hope were fine. I couldn't bear my new family to go. My new Family... The words seemed foreign to me. We pulled up outside our house.

'She is in the first bedroom as you go up the stairs.' I tell Doctor Turner.

'Thanks' He mutters as he sprints the stairs.

I walk into the kitchen. I see Lloyd holding my daughter.

'How is she?' I ask. 'I cannot bear to see her in that state. It's too upsetting.' I say.

'Nurse Franklin said the bleeding has come to an end, thankfully. And as you can hear not much screaming. Do you want to hold your daughter?' He asks me.

'I'd love to, if you wouldn't mind' I say.

'Not at all lass. I'm very thankful for you' He says passing Hope to me. She stirs a little in my arms but settles almost immediately again.

'Whatever for?' I ask.

'For making Patience happy again. She hasn't been this happy since before the camp. All the years she would lock herself away, scream and cry, self-harm, try to kill herself, wake screaming from night terrors... I never thought I would see her like she is today. Well technically not today but you get the picture.' He says, he's eyes misted from tears wanting to break free- Just like Patsy.

'She never told me any of that... Well, I lie as she told me of the night terrors. She still gets them from time to time-' I was cut short by Trixie bursting through the door.

'We have news on your spouse and your daughter. It is quiet good, seeing as we thought she would die. However it has come as a huge shock to her and she wants both of you. There is another baby. Apparently it can happen were in a multiple baby pregnancy one baby can almost hide to the back and go unrecognised until its birth day and that is exactly what happened. I guess you will both get your own baby after all!' Trixie says smiling to me.

Lloyd and I bound up the stairs, still in shock but Cheshire cat smiles plastered on our faces. We open the door and Patsy looks completely worn out.

'I would suggest a casern, Nurse Franklin and Busby. Poor Nurse Mount looks completely worn out.' He says. We arent sure what to say.

'No... I want to have it naturally. It will be the last time I give birth and I want to experience it all and avoid being cut into if possible' Patsy said meekly. Shes so brave and strong.

'Of course, I better go but if needed don't be hesitant to get me. Good Luck Nurse Mount, and Congratulations' Doctor Turner says picking up he's bag and leaving.

I cannot believe Im going to have another child. I kiss my Patsy and lie beside her and Hope squirmed in between us.

'Rwy'n dy garu di, Cariad. Ydych chi eisiau i briodi neu beth, ychan?' I ask her

'ie, ydych yn fy myd' She replies, a small grin on her face.

I guess my Welsh lessons are paying off, even if the pronunciation is slightly off. I grab the ring on the chain I had in my pocket and put it on her. I kissed her gently on the lips.

'fy gwerthfawr, Rwy'n dy garu di' I say pecking her lips again.

I see Lloyd and Trixie staring in bemusement. This would be a tricky one to explain. I can't just blurt out we are engaged. 

Carrying Delia's baby (Patsy and Delia)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя