Chapter 22

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*Patsy's POV*

Delia now had me on strict bedrest. I was in a peaceful slumber when a sharp pain awoke me. It was so bad I screamed in pain and it looked as if I had wet myself... My waters had broken. I pulled down my knickers and felt around that area. I could feel the baby's head crowing. It must have been the pills Delia had me on.

'APPA!?' I screamed as loud as I could.

'APPA!?' I cried again.

I heard his footsteps thundering up the stairs.

'Poppet, what is it? Oh Poppet, I'm sorry' He says sympathetic to my current state.

'I need you to get Delia or Trixie... Or both. Tell them I am crowning. And fetch a warm blanket from the baby's nursery! Now!' I say, Trying to bear with the pain, 'Get the blanket first, Please!' I say dissolving into tears.

'Yes Pats, right away!' He says as he turns on his heels.

Minutes later he returns with the yellow blanket.

'Thanks Appa, Please get Delia and Trixie! I  cannot do this alone.' I say as another contraction hits, worse this time and I let out a scream I bet all Poplar can hear.

The minute Appa left I knew this baby was coming. I would have to deliver on my own. I got on my knees as it'd be easier for me to give birth. I crouched my head under and on the next contraction I pushed with all my might. The baby's head was born. I pushed three more times and my baby was born. She wasn't crying. I flipped around and sat on my arse and held my baby to my chest and rubbed her back firmly. Seconds later I heard the most beautiful cry. I held my baby out and realised I had a daughter. I lay her on the yellow blanket and swaddled her. I picked her up tenderly and held her close to me and rocked her ever so gently. I couldn't help but cry.

'I think I will call you Hope. After my sister and because everyday I hoped a miracle like you would come along. I think it suits you and I hope Mam likes it too. I cannot believe your mine and I am a mum! I love you baby' I say as I kiss her gently and lay back into my bed waiting for them to come back. 'I love you' I whisper again and this time bawl out crying in an emotional wreck.

Carrying Delia's baby (Patsy and Delia)Where stories live. Discover now