Chapter 13

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*Patsy's POV*

It's been two months since I found out I was having twins. I now looked like a swollen hippopotamus. The nursery was almost completed. We agreed on a sunshine yellow for the walls. The floors were wood. Like mine and Delia's room, this room was also quite big. The room had a simple layout. You walked in and there was a huge window. Either side of the window was the white cribs. In between the cribs and under the window sill was a yellow rug. When you walked in to the left in the corner was a white nappy changer and a small yellow bin beside it. In the left hand corner was the simple wooden rocking chair. It had been in the Mount family for years and survived both wars! My Appa sent it from Hong Kong when he found out about my pregnancy.  On the opposite back corner was a chest of drawers, now bursting with clothes. On the front left corner was a wardrobe filled with blankets and 2 christening gowns, which my Appa had also sent for me. One was mine and Hope's and the other was her mum's and mum's siblings. I can't believe how much my babies were loved.

It was 5pm. Delia should be home. She probably had an emergency surgery. I decided I'd have a nap. Growing two babies really knocks a lot out of you! I bum-shuffled my way into our bedroom and clambered my way onto the bed. I closed my eyes and drifted into a peaceful slumber.

Carrying Delia's baby (Patsy and Delia)Where stories live. Discover now